Jack Dalton: 17- Dog Tags (part 2)

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"Do not judge my story, by the chapter you walked in on."

Summary: Continuation Of Jack Dalton: 16-Dog tags.

Warnings: None.


Hey guys!! Thanks for the votes and comments. Will get the requests done soon!!!but for now let's see where our lovely Jack Dalton is ......

He fiddled with his necklace, one Saturday after noon, his dark eyes shining with tears. The letter was in front of him. Mac by his side.
They had been watching movies Jack forced Mac into, but it all changed when there was a knock at the door.
They had gotten up and found the culprit. Immediate Jack saw the mans face. He was tall like Jack, but stern and old. His eyes told a story to the words that just couldn't leave his mouth.

   Joy was gone.

So there they sat in silence. A dark room and a dark house, stale popcorn, and an off TV.
Jack read over the contents of an envelope the man had gave him.
  We regret to inform you of your friends death. We have below a list of hot lines for if you ever need to talk. He/she died in an honorable way surviving His/her country. You should be proud of you fallen comrade. He/she will forever be remembered as a hero.

Sincerely, a friend.

"BS." Jack cussed loudly throwing the paper into a candle, watching it burn. "Them people don't even have the guts to honor her name. That was a freaking letter about a fallen soldier. One they send to every family. She wasn't just a soldier!" He began to pace his apartments home. Mac stood with a phone call. "Madi. Now is not a good time."
   "When ever is it?"
    He heard the voice ask. "I really don't think I can come in right now. Much less Jack."
   "No. No. Macgyver I am fine. We need to save lives. Let's go." Jack told him, grabbing his coast. He using his full name to show seriousness of the situation.
  "Alright guess we're coming in."
  Jack took one last look at the place he called home. The place he had owned with Joy. His angel.
   Mac followed him out the door. But not before him seeing Jack grab something from an envelope of Joys contents.
   "Alright. We gotta guy named Travis Marco. He's living in Puerto Rico with his family. A wife two daughters. Under witness protection. Someone released his location, and now he's being hunted. You all are in charge of getting him to the border after that a team will take care of it." Madi spoke harshly ready for the day, that had barely started, to be over.
   "Whatever." Jack said checking his guns ammo. He stood and paced waiting to load into the truck.
   "Jack. Where'd you get that?"
Riley asked looking at his neck.
Laying beside his perfect demon wing was the other half.
An angel wing.
The same one Joy was wearing the day of the crash.
  He swallowed a lump. "I uh got a letter today. Army messenger. They found Joys body. Or what's left of it. She, was uh, burnt, tortured, and uh, you know. We're having the funeral Tuesday. Reception Monday. Come if you want."
With that said he walked out the door to breathe.
   They all showed up, both days wanting to support the man they all cared for.

After that Jack never met anyone else. Jack forever cherished his angel necklace and was above all one of his prized possessions, though few knew the stories he had within a scratch or a dent.
When asked to move on, he would only ever respond with a small smile and a teary eyed look,

"No man left behind."

Okay I understand people don't like Sad endings so I'm going to make an alternate Ending in next chap. Will be up later today.

Please comment if this is alright.


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