Macgyver: 13

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  "The things you do for Love."
Summary: Mac has to finally come clean about his place of employment.

Warnings: None.

"Hands up!" Immediately I did this.
He had my sister, Riley in a hold with a gun burrowing into her skull.
I technically was the real target but this physico decided to take a different hostage to get to me. I analyzed the situation as best as I could in my fear stricken state. Riley was near tears in pain and I couldn't do a thing to stop it.
  "Where is your boyfriend, Macgyver?"
I shook my head slightly in," I don't know." Kind of way. My hand was shaking and the room was spinning.
"Of course you know. If you don't tell me I'll just have to blow her pretty brain into a hundred different pieces." Riley howled in pain as the gun pressed harder.
"Stop! I.. I don't know! He left for the construction crew a few hours ago."
"Construction crew? What is it exactly that you think he does?"
Think? What did he mean? Mac would never lie.
He noticed my hesitancy and laughed. "This will be fun!"
Just as I was sure this man would do something rash in ran Mac. Along with Jack?
"Murdoc, lower the gun."
"As if."
Riley began to whine more and I was sure she would start bleeding soon.
"I want to head this conversation about the Phoenix Foundation between you two. Then I will leave."
"Mac what does he mean?" I whispered. What was a Phoenix Foundation."
"Yes, Mac tell her what you really do." Murdoc interrupted.
Jack held his gun on Murdoc higher.
"I lied, Jay. I've been lying a long time."
My heart broke into a thousand pieces at two words. All those times I thought if anything he did in secret it was visit somebody that was sick. Maybe that was why he had to leave so unexpectedly sometimes. But when he said those words I knew he didn't mean that. I lied.
"I lied. And I'm sorry, but it was for your protection. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
"Not the easiest blow, Macgyver. Couldn't you break it any easier, I thought your the good guy?"
Then the sirens came. The cops were only a few blocks away and Murdoc said a small curse before throwing a smoke bomb and escaping into thin air.
"Riley!" I immediately ran to her and held her to my chest as she cried.
After a moment I helped my sister up and I was infuriated.
"I oughta punch you right now."
I spoke my tone icy. I refused to look at him.
"What do you do?"
He sighed. "I uh, work with the Phoenix Foundation."
"Yeah, no dip Sherlock."
"I'm a-" he was cut off by police barging and immediately wanting my statement.
I gave it to them and hours later I finally met up with him again and he finished his statement. "I'm a secret agent for the Phoenix Foundation. I travel the world stopping would be terrorist and so much more."
I nodded trying to let everything sink in.
"What now?"

"You're coming with me, and I'm never leaving again."

Sorry it's short hope you liked it was a request from lovemegz3646

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