Jack Dalton-27

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"Sometimes, Families worth the sacrifices."

Summary: someone walks into Jacks life with a surprise. A son.

Warning: None


"Hey, I'm looking for a Jack Dalton, heard he works here?" The man asked at the front office. He was tall and well built, with dog tags hanging around his neck. He was serious and the outfit he wore showed signs of wearing. He could be no older than twenty two.

"What you want him for?" A lady asked, coming up behind him. He turned and saw a woman, probably four foot three, glowering at him. He immediately respected her.

"Just looking for him, is all." He mumbled, leaning against the clerk desk. The woman saw holes in his boots, revealing dirty white socks slightly. He looked like he had walked through hell. "Who are you?" He asked upon her lingering gaze.

"Matty Webber. How about you?"

"Luca. Luca Harlow."

"Well, Mr. Harlow, Jack is up in the war room, I can show you if you would like."

"No, Ma'am. That's alright. Forget I was here if you can. This was a mistake." He said, quickly exiting the building.

Matty couldn't shake his presence though. Something was oddly familiar about Luca. Something she had seen before. She walked into the war room, carrying the files she had went down to the main office for.

"What took so long?" MacGyver asked, twiddling a paperclip.

"I ran into someone."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Jack asked curiously.

"A young guy was looking for you, Jack. Name was Luca Harlow, I think." She said hoping he might recognize the name. His eyes flickered up at her.

"Harlow?" at a nod, Jack stood and went to the window, watching a truck pull out of the Phoenix parking lot.

"You know him, Jack?" Riley asked, surprised at the sudden mood change.

"Sorta. I knew a Harlow once." His gaze went back to Matty, "What'd he want?"

"I don't know. Just to see you, but when I offered to show him to you, he got scared and said that it was a mistake. He was all tacked up, army I'm thinking."

"Okay." He said, simply shrugging his shoulders and forgetting it for now.

It wasn't until later that Luca came up again. Literally.

Jack was leaving the Phoenix, Matty, Mac and Riley next to him, Bozer having to stay late in the lab. The team was joking about something that had recently happened, a coffee spilling on Riley's blouse and whose fault it was, when Jack saw someone looking at his car.

"Hey!" Jack called out, the man whipping his head up, his long hair obscuring his face for a moment. The man stayed tense as Jack neared, but regained his voice.

"Nice car." he commented.

"Thanks. I think so." Jack responded, relaxing at his compliment. Maybe he was just a stranger looking at a nice car, plenty of people did that back in his small town growing up.

"Jack, that's Harlow." Matty told him, changing his outlook completely.

"Your Harlow?"

The man slid his hand over the handle, feeling its grip. "I am. My friends call me Luca." He said before turning his gaze to the older man. "And you're Jack Dalton."

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