Jack Dalton- 24 (Part 2)

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"You know your in love when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
- Dr. Seuss

Summary: Jack And Maggie-Rae continued.

Warnings: None


"Jack?" Maggie-Rae asked coming down the dark hallway.
"What's up baby?" He asked, yelling back to her.
She held her hand on her stomach and held a small test in her hand.
"Come to the kitchen. Now!"
He came rather quickly at her insisting voice. Once he was there, she made him sit on the barstool.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked as she sat a crossed from him.
She slowly slid him the test across the counter.


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Jack stood up quickly, as she was smiling and crying along with him. He picked her up into her arms, holding her tightly, but careful around her stomach. He bent over to her stomach and spoke softly. "Hi, mini baby. It's your daddy."
Maggie-Rae laughed. "Jack, it'll be a few weeks yet till I start to show." She reminded.
"Doesn't matter. She's there, and she's gonna come out in a few short months." He kissed her stomach softly, before kissing her lips.
"I love you." He whispered huskily.
"I love you both." He corrected.
She was now crying, balling in fact. Just happy that she was pregnant. Finally.
"We have work." Maggie reminded him as he started on about a baby's room.
"No. I have work. You have a baby."
She rolled her eyes. "No, come on, let's go, I won't do much field action."
"Much? How about none?"
"Fine." She relented, wanting to keep her baby safe.
He escorted her gallantly out of the building, helping her into his car. "Jack I'm pregnant, not dying." She reminded.
"And I'd like to keep it that way."
When they pulled into the Phoenix, Jack took her hand as they walked in. "We're telling them right?" Jack asked, wondering how she felt about all this.
"Of course."
When they entered the war room, everyone noticed a slight glow in the couple. Madi launched into a debriefing, however, and left them no time to tell. "Uh Maggie, I need you working the field on this guy."
Maggie was about to agree when she remembered her condition. "I can't Madi. You might want to find another field agent for awhile." Jack shot her a smile.
"For how long? Are you injured?" Madi questioned and the team looked at her questioningly.
"Well, about nine months, but I might need a couple after that too." Everyone met her eyes, Riley the first to leap to her feet.
"Maggie you're not!"
"Oh but I am, my sweets." She laughed.
Riley ran to her hugging her tightly, smiling a hundred times over. Mac elbowed Jack. "Good luck and Congratulations."
"Yeah, thanks man." He said smiling as well.
Madi was tearing up slightly, "Oh Maggie!" She said hugging the young girl tightly. "I'm so glad for you."
"Thanks madi. It means a lot."
Bozer gave her a sweet hug mumbling his congrats and quickly joking. "It is Jack's right?"
"Of course." She smiled and sent a wink to Jack, to which he blushed.
——__________8months later.

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