Jack Dalton: 23-Nothing

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"It's the smallest adventures that lead you to the greatest happiness."
-Lauren Tomm

Summary: Mac and Jack meet for the first time. Loosely based off a recent episode: Mac And Jack.

Warnings: None

Next one I promise will be Mac.

    "You hear me?" Jack said to his new enemy, and the brat he'd be left with for the next 72 days.
  "Whatever." Angus Macgyver said rolling his eyes.  "No, its not a whatever, this is my life and I am not letting some boy, keep me from getting home." Jack said shoving past his recruit.

   "Alright, I get it." mac said throwing his hands up in surrender. The long hot day dragged on, Mac and Jack taking the day to prepare for tomorrow. Thats the day they were assigned to go into town and disarm bombs they didn't know the locations of...Fun.  Mac was relaxing on his bunk, cleaning his Swiss Army Knife, and deciding how to get through the next few months with Jack Dalton.

  "Mail Call." someone yelled loudly, coming into the tent. He was tall and had a slight mustache. He carried a burlap sack and the soldiers hounded them for the letters. Mac got a few from friends at college and Bozer. Jack waited patiently for his, but almost scared he wouldnt get any. His family never sent any mail, Bell being the only one who did with pattern.

"Dalton." the man yelled and he looked up from his hands. "No mail, sorry." Jack let out a short breath. "It's a package." he laughed, having just teased the Delta. "Package?" he jumped to his feet, more excite than he had been in the longest time. The man walked up and handed him an orange enveloped package, with his name, largely and fancily wrote out. The return address was a name he knew well enough to nearly cry with relief. "Bell Crowe."

   He almost didn't want to open it, but yet here he was slowly ripping the top open, anxious and frightened all at one. He found a note first, but he was not one to read before opening a present. Inside was a beautiful necklace, designed just for him, one that must have took forever to make. Belle was never one to buy stuff, but almost always made it if she could. He knew she did this.

   Jack nearly teared up, running his fingers over the engraved letters

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   Jack nearly teared up, running his fingers over the engraved letters. On the back 'Bella' was scribbled in, engraved just the same.
   He looked up and laughed lightly at the two page letter inside the envelope. He would have to read it however later, when he heard the commander ordering them out and into action. He slipped the necklace over his head and secured it under his shirt.
     Mac showed up at his side, slightly lost. Jack rolled his eyes and dragged him to the tactical vehicle.
  "Come on, I got 72 days, and I ain't getting a dishonorable discharge for being late." He sped down the dirt road, getting commands through his ear piece about a bomb they needed to disarm down west miles. It took them days to diss arm all of them. The last one was hidden however, to which they were at now.
    They walked around, Mac using a laptop of sorts, to locate the bomb. It was in a reach bin, and Mac took forever to disarm it. Jack surprisingly wasn't rushing him, too busy reading Belle's letter, finally having a chance.
    Hers read:
  You know that shirt, you have, that one that's really blue and has that little tractor on it? Yeah, sorry but I have fallen in love with it and sleep in it every night, you're never getting it back. I washed some clothes this morning and the washer broke a hose, flooded my entire laundry room. Damn near killed the cat. Poor baby, all wet and nasty.
   I miss your hugs. And your cuddles. And your smile. And your laugh. I'll cut myself off there or I'll take up the allowed space ranting. I love you, a lot, and I engraved this pendent to remind you, no matter how long you're over there, I'll never stop loving you. The distance doesn't matter when I love you this much. And if the place your at now, makes you happy, then I'm happy too. Just knowing you're fighting to keep the monsters under the bed, is enough to keep me carrying on. I must conclude my letter now, my love, I hope it reaches you and gives you courage,
  He laughed loudly at her experiences with out him, wishing he was with her. Jack grasped the pendent and imagined her working tirelessly on something so tiny, just for him.
"Jack, I got it disabled. What's that?" He asked as they loaded into the car. He sat in the passenger seat next to him, looking at the pendent from afar.

   "Belle sent it to me

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   "Belle sent it to me. My girl back home. Made it herself." He said showing him the little grooves.
   "It looks nice. You miss her a lot?"
    "More than ever. But she gets why I'm over here and she supports it. That's a good enough motivation to keep moving." Jack said starting the car and looking behind him as he put t in reverse. He flashed a smile at Mac. "You got a girl?"
   "No. Loyal only to the job."
Jack put it in drive and pulled out.
   "You're young, you'll find someone."
   Macgyver nodded and smiled out the door, thinking how this might not be so bad.
    "59 days left right?" Mac asked.
  "Yup. And nothing is keeping me from getting home to Belle." He said gesturing to the pile of letters in his vest pocket, that was in the backseat.
   "Do you care if I read one?" Mac asked desperate to know more about him.
   "Go ahead. No judging on southern phrases, though. She's boots to roots country." Mac laughed grabbing one underneath a couple of other ones.
    "You suck!" Mac read out loud. Jack laughed knowing exactly which one it was. Mac continued reading aloud. "I can't believe you ate all the cookies and cream ice-cream! I'm going to murder you after your tour is over. 😡😠" He laughed at her little hand drawn emoji.
    "She's something." Mac summed up and Jack agreed.
Jack was leaving for home, when all of the sudden he appeared at Macs window.

   "You know I think I'll stick around a while

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"You know I think I'll stick around a while. I realized you couldn't live a day without me. I signed up for another tour on the condition you were mine." Jack summarized sliding in.
"What about Belle?"
"She says that she'll be waiting at home with a pizza whenever I decide I'd more than doubled my job. As long as I come home eventually she'll be fine, so she says."
"You got a good one."
"I know."
When their tours were finally over, Jack introduced Mac nearly as fast as he could blink.
"Belle Mac. Mac, Belle." Best into ever.
"So your the kid, he's been saving?"
"Uh Yeah." He stuttered
She took Mac Into a hug. "Thanks for being his friend, he doesn't have many." She laughed, but Mac was touched by this woman.

"Time for pizza."

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