Jack Dalton: 10

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"You never lose someone, they just decide to give you room to make your own destiny."

Summary: Jacks adventure with a cowgirl on a farm on sand.

Warnings: None.

"Come on. Attaboy. Foot one. There ya go." She encouraged her horse lightly. She watched, as she lunged him, his foot work on his canter gait and was exceedingly impressed when he shifted to a down trot swiftly and easily. She taught him cues of his foot only weeks. The front right foot being one the other front two, the back right there and the back left four.
She found it easier for some horses to have both physical cue and a audible one.
"Hey, darling." She whipped around to see the one and only Jack Dalton.
He looked like crap honestly. She could tell he'd had a bad mission.
She drew the horse in and walked him slowly to the fence line.
He had his chin lazily resting on the top board and when she stopped in front of him, his grin grew. She ran a finger down the side of his face. "How bad was it?"
"Scale 1-10? Twenty five." He sighed and stood up straighter. "I honestly thought I was going to lose Mac today." He sighed and she nodded being the ear he needed to rant on.
"Murdoc had him undercover for some stupid thing. He was supposed to be the idiot himself to save a life. He did it, but it was close, Clo, it was close."
She shook her head slightly and took a breath. "How about I put Jake here up and we go on a ride with TQ and Onyx?"
He smiled. "It sounds perfect."
Together they walked back to the barn and they passed only a few workers. When all of the sudden a newer teen came running in a flurry.
"Doc! Doc, it's Target. She's biting herself and banging herself up."
Chloe cursed slightly and quickly told the boy to grab her tack box. She tied Jake to the nearest stall before taking off to the far pasture, Jack hit on her heels. Immediately she saw the problem and Target was writhing in pain. "Oh God, why today?"
She weaved herself between the wires and she tried to calm the now so old mare. Tears had started falling quickly. The teen ran to her carrying her tack box and a halter. Targets designated pink halter.
Chloe's grandmother gave it to her for her birthday after hearing about Targets condition. Chloe knew today was the day she would lose her best friend. Jack looked torn at seeing her like this. He knew he should helped, but all he could do was stand there.
"Shh. Baby. It's alright. I know it hurts. Shh." She hooked the halter and walked out the gate as easily as she could. She knew the time was now. "Jack carry the tack box." He picked it up and followed her back down the ring she was just in moments ago. She led Target up onto the hill underneath a shady tree. She stopped and Target was whinnying in panic and pain. "Shh. I know baby. Jack hand me that needle."
With her heart falling into an black abyss she plunged the needle into her neck vein. Target stopped her whinnying and slowly her knees began to buckle. "I got you. I got you." She mumbled over and over into her precious ponies ear. Finally, the mares eyes closed and Chloe closed her eyes at feeling the horses breathing disappear. She stood after slipping the halter off and fell against Jack. He quickly caught her and held her tight. He burrowed his head into her neck and she gripped his jacket.
She let up after a few minutes. "I got to tell James to dig that hole. We knew it was coming. Her arthritis was worse."
Jack nodded. "Okay. Let's get you back to the barn. Then home. Works done for the day."
They sat cuddled up in his house on his couch, watching sappy hallmark movies. Her eyes were puffed up and she had both arms flung loosely around Jacks neck as she sat on the cushion. He kissed her cheek and she buried her face more into his jacket.
"I was thinking. How about we make one of those shadow boxes for the old girl." Jack asked which he got a response.
She lifted her head. "That'd be great. I could put her horseshoe in and halter along with some pictures in it."
He nodded in agreement.
Three weeks later.

Chloe walked out of the hay room and out into the open air. The air hit her immediately and she was intent on breathing in every slight breeze. She grabbed the wheel barrow and walked around the lots throwing in flakes at every tire feed bin.
She grabbed a palomino she had been working with for a while now, when she was done. "Hey, honey. Take the bit." She did easy enough and Chloe sighed at the hard part being done.
She rode the palomino to the exercise pen and warmed her up before she tried poles. After poles she did some light jumping, when she head a car pull up. Out exited Mr. Dalton along with his Phoenix team.
She rode to the fence line breathing slightly heavy. "What are you doin' off work, hot stuff?" She joked and he grinned.
"Got a break soon?" He asked.
"Now I do. I just need to get Savannah here to run another lap on the barrels. Time me?"
"Sure." He pulled out his phone as Mac and the rest walked up to his side.
Chloe lined up at the first barrel.
She rounded the first spurring her slightly. She made a prefect turn and Chloe held back slightly on the second, then as she rounded the third she let loose. "And ladies and gentlemen a split 12.3 second."
"Whoop whoop." She celebrated and cued her horse. Savannah knelt down on one knee and Chloe slid off. "Thank you! Thank you!" She blew exaggerated kisses to a fake audience.
He chuckled slightly. She tied the reins to the fence and jumped the three bars. "What's up, Jack? Your obviously not here for me to meet your team."
"Oh yeah! This is Macgyver, Riley and Bozer. Guys this is my girlfriend, Chloe Barnes."
"Nice to meet y'all." She shook their hands politely.
"That was a great run." Bozer commented and she nodded in thanks.
"Yeah, you train these horses?" Mac asked looking around at the large amount of horses.
"Every one, yes sir. Jack what's up you're keeping something from me?" She finally cut to the chase.
"You might want to sit down, darling." She did.
"Targets death wasn't an accident. Joe poisoned her. He figured he could experiment on her. That's why she had a rapid decline this year."
"What?" She mumbled.
"Is he here? We're supposed to bring him in."
She nodded. "Lot three."
"Thanks. Chloe, I'm sorry." He pecked her cheek and they all left to arrest the guy responsible for a painful death.

I'm bored and sick. So that's why it sucks.

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