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"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

Summary: a Romeo and Juliet of sorts.

Warnings: None, maybe slight cursing.

Okay I actually used a prompt list I found for some of these ideas here are the Prompts but everything is (As the country song states) ALL ON ME

PS I'm borrowing some Shakespeare ;)

"Are you even listening to me?" "Yes it just takes time to process so much stupid."

"All that blood looks good on you."

"How is my girl more badass than i am?"


"Hey. Are you even listening to me?" Cody her brother asked, his face growing impatient after a long day in the field in the rather hot sun. Ruth nodded, but her attitude showed otherwise.
"Yeah, it just takes me a few seconds to promise so much stupid at one time."

Cody rolled his eyes at his younger sister. "I'm serious, Ruth. He's bad news."

"Like I haven't heard that one before." She scoffed, grabbing her hat and heading towards the direction of the woods her family owned. She lived on a small family worked farm with her brothers, Bubba, Bobby-Rae, and Cody, her mother and father, Dianne and Jacob, and her grandfather. Classic country family. Only thats where the Los Angeles boy fit into the picture.

Mac they called him.

  "Ruth, please, I can't keep covering for you." he pleaded and she kept walking, knowing the blonde was well worth the fight. "You will, though," she reminded, "You're my brother and believe it or not, I know you wouldn't keep me from something that made me happy."

   Cody gave up and kicked his heel into the muddy ground, heading towards the farm house.  The family was located right outside of L.A., but they were on a... smaller part of the city some would say. A very, very small town, only having a single gas station, church, and a school that held a hundred kids on good days. Oh and their was the diner. Yes, a small coffee shop, where most everything was held, regarding the town.

   Ruth ran threw the woods, the wind hitting her face as she ran into the open prarie land. There a car was waiting for her on the dirt road.  A young teen sat in the drivers seat, his jeeps shiny rims gleaming. He was tall and handsome, his back straight and blonde hair that was just the right length. To his left, in the backseat, was Jack Dalton, an Ex-military jock who had decided to tag along. Mac's bestfriend.

   She slowed her pace, her small feet sliding on the inside of the to-big sized boots she wore. She smiled and Jack took off his glasses, getting out of the car, and helping her into the passenger seat. They were on their way to the Phoenix and Ruth couldn't be more ready to leave this small town. At least thats what she always thought, but she always found a part of her homesick and she'd always return.

    Mac grabbed her hand over the consel, putting the car in drive, and sped off down the way to the highway. They rode in silence for a long time, just enjoying the nice ride to the place of their work. Ruth couldn't help but think that maybe this would be her last mission, her last car ride with Mac and Jack. She squeezed his hand a little tighter and Mac glanced over at her, but didn't say anything.

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