Jack Dalton-17 (part 2)

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"Not all women wear pearls and high heels, some wear dog tags and combat boots."

Summary: Continued from 17 about Harley Davidson and her Mom Katy.

Warnings: None

In honor of this Valentine's Day, for the soldiers who just can't come go home this year for it. Also a continuation of one from a long time ago, about Jack and his little girl surviving in the world after Harley's mom, Katy, is shipped away to Afghanistan for eleven months.


"Daddy!" Harley screamed in terror as she awoke from a horrible dream. Jack shot awake, one room over and bolted to her room, gun in hand.

"Baby girl?" he sighed putting the gun down and nearing the now shaking child. "What's the matter?" though he already knew the answer.

"Ma-Ma- I-is- h-hur-hurt." she sobbed her breaths coming in short bursts. Jack lifted her up, taking the crying child in to his arms. "She ain't, baby. It's just a dream. I promise." he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

This did nothing to console the child however, and soon Jack was promising to bring the child to Phoenix the next day to try to contact Katy. Finally, Harley quieted down and Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he'd have enough time to go back to sleep and- BEEP BEEP BEEP. The alarm clock went off in the next room. He got up and ran to turn it off, before it woke up little Harley. He growled at the early morning time on it and hit the snooze button before sleeping for a total of five minutes.

The alarm woke him up again. This time he got up and quickly ran to get dressed, realizing he would be late, again. He threw on a clean shirt, a pair of jeans, and mismatched socks, before flying out the door. That is, of course, after realizing Harley was still asleep and wrapping her in a blanket, and loading her into his car. He grabbed a bag from the back seat with an outfit just for this occasion.

Harley turned in her sleep, now sprawled out on the backseat, a buckle just barely holding her in place. When he got to the Phoenix, he couldn't wake up Harley in good conscience so he just picked her up, with her bag, and hauled himself into the Phoenix.

"Jack, you're la-" Matti said before cutting herself off. Jack threw her a tired look. "I know. This is a horrible time for her," he turned around showing the sleeping child on his shoulder, before turning back again, "to be here, but I had no other options. She's scared off half the baby sitters in LA and no day group likes her stories. She hasn't been sleeping right and I have been up for hours-"

"It's fine. Jack, relax, she's too cute to keep away from us too long anyway." Matti said softly, showing compassion in the time he needed it most.

He sighed in relief and laid the child on a recliner chair. Mac's chair, knowing he wouldn't mind. MacGyver looked over at him and smiled at her still in her pajamas. "You really did run out of the house." he commented. Jack laughed. "Yeah, but hey I had a bag in the car full of stuff."

Riley and Bozer laughed from their positions in the corner. Riley walked over to Harley, stroked her cheek slightly and kissed her forehead. The child was absolutely too cute.

 The child was absolutely too cute

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