Angus Macgyver- 18

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"A simple hello can lead to a million things."

Summary: Macgyver meets his match. In an unlikely place.

Warnings: None

"Lily, Im coming to your house right now. I'm on the walkway, chill. Like five minutes and I'll be at your door." Piper said into the phone as she walked through the woods to her friends house. Lily, her best friend, was having a melt down because her boyfriend just dumped her. So of course Piper decides, 'ya know, what are friends for?' And heads to her house, at 2 in the morning, to eat chocolate ice cream with Lily.
Now why Lily's boyfriend broke up with her at 2:00 is beyond the point and just shows how much of a jerk he was to wake her up to that. Piper jumped over a log, her bunny slippers scraping slightly. Piper hung up, after another minute of listening to her cry's.
That's when she heard the noise to her left. Foot steps. She grabbed her phone to use the flashlight, but her battery was old and it died instantly. She cursed as the steps got closer and she heard two men talking.
"Man, it's too early to be doing this." A deeper voice complained, definitely male.
"Jack, be quiet. We need to find it." A younger one said.
"Aright-" he cut himself off when he saw Piper staring at them.
"The hell?" He asked confused at her out in the woods at night.
"Alright- listen," She stuttered at the two men in front of her.
"I know being in the woods, tresspassing at 2 A.M. is weird but, my friend called me and she's- wait a second. Why are you out here? Damn, you're kidnappers ain't you? I'm warning you, get to close and I'll slice your throats!" She started to sound scared, but hid it well with courage. But she WAS in bunny slippers, Mickey Mouse pants and a Batman shirt, so it was kind of hard to feel threatened.
"Miss, we aren't kidnappers." The younger one said with a laugh.
"Then why the hell are you blocking my path to my friends?"
"We aren't." He gestured for her to go around them. She made her way around the two, her hands up in fists the whole time.
"Okay, why are you out here then?" She asked a safe distance away.
"Why do you want to know?" He old one griped.
"I have to know whether to report you for trespassing. It's a serious law in this town." She glared, her voice even.
"I'm looking for my knife- wait no that sounded wrong." The Young one cut himself off.
"Yes, It did." She agreed taking a few quick steps backwards.
"I meant, I dropped my pocket knife yesterday and I'm looking for it. That's why we're here."
"Oh." She felt stupid, but regained courage. "At 2 am?"
"We leave for LA in the mornin." He old one 'Jack' said.
"What's your name?" The young one asked.
"Could as you the same." She had to admit. He was hot.
"I asked first."
"Piper McGuire."
"Angus Macgyver."
"Angus? Really? Bet that's a rough name to live with." She laughed slightly.
"Yes, much so. McGuire? Arent you the girl who won the trinket contest?" He was referring to her soda powered box train for science in college.
"I meant to ask you-" he took a few steps towards her, gesturing with his arms. She still took a step back and he rose his hands in surrender.
"Sorry, forgot. You think we're kidnappers."
She regained her footing and took a few steps towards them. "Not so much anymore."
Jack rolled his eyes. "Mac, when your done flirting I'll be in the car, asleep. Like a normal person." Jack left moments after.
"Sorry about him. He's grouchy when I wake him up."
"It's okay, Mr Macgyver."
"Mac. Just Mac."
"Well, Just Mac, let's go find your knife."
"Really? What about your friend?"
"She'll have to save me some ice cream." Piper laughed as they began searching. Almost a half hour later, she found it in a bush, and nearly cheered in triumph.
"I got it, Mac!"
He came from behind a tree. "Thank you so much, Miss McGuire. You don't know what this means to me."
"Piper. Just Piper."
"Glad to meet you, Just Piper."
They laughed and walked through the wooded path a little. Talking about anything and everything.
"Wait, so you're the guy from Mission City?"
"I am from Mission City. I don't know if I'm The Guy. Though."
"I was seven. A car came out of nowhere, you saved my life."
"The pretty girl with the braids? That's you? Wow, I looked for you after that, but I couldn't find you."
"I left the next day. We were on a family hiking trip." She laughed and he smiled.
Macs phone lit up ruining the moment. Jack wanted to go home and was thinking about ditching him.
"I'm sorry, I have to go get Jack. But hey Piper, call me when you ever want anything, or just if you want to." He winked and she laughed, taking the Notecard.
After he was gone she headed to Lily's house, roaring with excitement. "Lily, I have some news for you." She smirked as she walked in.
Long story short, she texted him the next day.
"Is this "Just Mac?""

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