Jack Dalton: 4

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"She believed she could, so she did."

Summary: Some people struggle in silence and all they need is that one person to come along and help.

Warnings: Rated M
This is potentially harmful to some viewers. Viewer Discretion is advised. Please do not read if trouble with Depression. Feel free to message and talk to me about anything at any time.

Annabelle. Such a beautiful name. Such an old name. Such a story filled name. Annabelle. Annabelle.
It rolls off ones tongue as if it were a syrupy liquid. One would think of an old western film. A beautiful blonde girl bright shining blue eyes, wearing an old dress she had so proudly sewn herself. Hard worker, yes, intelligent? Most definitely. She cooked she cleaned. She was the perfect housewife. The perfect mother for the next heir of the family. The perfect woman. The perfect one.
  Of course, of course, now is not the early 1800s.
   Annabelle. Anna. Little miss Annie. The small towns sweetheart. The one who had danced away with the heart of a delta commander. The one everyone went to for their problems. She had the wisest advice. No flaws. No wrinkles. No stress. A perfectly, perfect country girl. The one who could fix everyone's problems with a simple swipe of a finger. She'd glue them up and stitch so tight that there was never a scar left in its place.
   The perfect girl.
Little Miss Annie.
The perfect girl.

Annabelle the girl who could fix everyone and everything, but herself.

The covers in L.A. felt so warm this morning. So comforting. Maybe she just should lay there in the arms of the one she loves? Yes, that's what she'd do. Stay all day in a place with no hiding, no faking a smile, no looking perfect.
  Jack Wyatt Dalton shifted in his sleep. He mumbled under his breath and opened his eyes. "Annie? Are you up?"
  She groaned in response and he laughed.
  "Come on sweetheart. You haven't left bed all week. Today is a beautiful day. I can feel it."
She groaned again. He did this every day. Gave her a reason to get up. But lately she couldn't find a good enough reason. So she stayed in bed. Only eating and drinking when it was forced down her throat.
  "You and I will play some basketball. Maybe go to the park. We can make some cookies or we can just buy some seeing how the last ones turned out." He laughed heartily and lightly at the same time. Something only he could do.
  He brushed the hair out of her eyes. "Your so beautiful." He whispered. She blushed lightly. He grinned when he saw it. This was as close as the old her he'd seen in the longest time.
  He kissed her cheek lightly and got out of the bed. She whined when the cold air hit her. Annabelle heard the water turn on a few seconds later.
  She slowly fell back into a dreamless sleep.
  "Hey." Poke. "Hey." Poke."Hey." Poke.
"Go away." She grunted out.
He continued to poke her.
"Stop it."
She turned around to look at him with a glare.
"Ugh!" Annie threw a pillow at him and sprawled out on the bed.
He opened the curtains and she hissed. "Come on, Dracula. The sun isn't to bad today."
  Finally Jack sat next to her calmly. "Hey, seriously. Come on. Get up. For me?"
"Alright." She sighed.
Swinging her leg over the bed she briefly went over her options. Her feet padded along the floor and she swayed slightly. Jack held the middle of her back. "I got you."
She nodded before he took her to the shower. He left and she showered. When she got out she changed into the jeans and tight shirt Jack had laid  out for her.
  She stumbled into the kitchen and he gave her pancakes. With a side of pills. She took them quickly with some milk. She poked at the pancake before out of her peripheral she saw his face. She ate it with no more hesitation. He smiled.
   She finally started to relax. She smiled and laughed along with him for the longest time. They didn't say much but they talked for hours. Right at that table. Eventually he took her by the hand and led her out of the house.
  Light. Blinding light. She grimaced but was quickly saved the trouble of a headache when Jack slipped his sun glasses onto her. They walked for a few miles,  neither of them noticing the long walk. She was finally laughing. Smiling. It wasn't fake. Or painted on to her face. It was a genuine smile she felt from her toes to her finger tips. He noticed too. She wasn't as tense as she could be. She wasn't going into anxiety thoughts. She was finally having a rather good day.
  Annabelle knew about the Phoenix Foundation. She knew Jack would always be in danger. But she knew Jack would always come back to her. He promised. He never broke a promise. Never. That is why he didn't give them out freely on a date night or a cooking lesson. This was different though. He could promise this. He was coming back to her no matter what. No matter what.

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