Jack Dalton: 17

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"Kill then with success and bury them with a smile."

Summary: Jack gets to say goodbye to his wife as he is left in charge of his youngster daughter for 11 months, alone as her mother is being shipped out.

Warnings: None.

Ok I know y'all want either a Macgyver or a continued, even a request, but I can't get this one out of of my brain. Sorry. Read if you want....


  "Hey it'll be alright

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"Hey it'll be alright. Don't worry so much." She whispered to him her eyes shining with tears she didn't want to share.
"I know. Just write. And be careful. Please?" He begged as if this would change her decision.
"I will." She put her hand on his cheek. She kissed him lightly and turned to her waiting friends.
They were currently standing on a paved, ground level bunker. Katy was leaving back to the marines today. She wouldn't be home for 11 months, being sent to Iraq to fight a war that would never end. The Phoenix team was startled when she told them she was going back.
"Mommy?" Her daughter asked holding on to Jacks hand.
"What's the matter, baby?" Katy asked through teary eyes.
"You're going to come home right?"
"Without a doubt." Lies.
She hugged her one more time before walking to her friends.
"Katy." Mac asked patiently."Are you sure you have to go?" He practically whispered, in near tears.
"I have to, Buddy. Don't forget about me too quick, okay?"


Riley was the next to bid farewell. She hugged her friend tightly, cherishing every moment with her. "It'll be okay, Riles. I promise. You take care of my boys and Lily Pad for me alright?" She asked releasing her and pulling her chin up.
"I will."

Madi looked up at the agent leaving her family. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop the order."
"Don't be. I'll be fine. I need to get back into shape anyway." She joked.
They shared an empty laugh, but soon fell into a hug. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Madi advised.
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Samantha Cage was the last to say goodbye. Katy grimaced at this one. They both glared at each other for a second. Katy got close to her ear and whispered a threat that sent goose bumps down Samantha's spine.
"Stay away from my man and my baby, Cage. Or you'll regret it."
Samatha kept her cool and responded easily. "If you hadn't noticed, you're going to be miles away. Their all..mine."
Katy glared and went to stand next to Jack as the helicopters propellers began to turn. "Katy!" Her brother, Max, yelled running towards her. He slowed next to her. "We gotta go. See y'all later." He tried to pull her away, but she resisted. She got out of his grasp. She latched onto Jacks neck and hugged him tight enough to feel his heart beat.
"I love you, Angel." He whispered her nickname.
"I love you more, Jack."
She kissed him passionately, wanting to leave a lasting impression. She squeezed her daughter one last time and With nothing more than a wave, she ran onto the transportation vehicle. He watched her leave, all his worries returning to his lonely soul.
"Be safe, Angel."
He whispered silently into the crisp air, holding his three year olds hand, promising silently never to let go.
"Jack!" Riley tried to warn him as he almost crashed into a lady with coffee.
"Whoops." He zigzagged around her, avoiding any contact.
"Sorry. Been a little out of balanced lately."
"So I've noticed."
"Are you ok?" Cage asked trailing her finger over Jacks shoulder. Jack shrugged her off and took a step away.
"Fine." He gruffed.
Riley rolled her eyes and decided to help Jack out. "Hey, I need you in the tech room. Real important."
"Coming." HE practically ran out the door.
When they entered the electronic room Riley spun towards Jack. "You," She pointed a finger, "Need to tell her to shoo."
"I have. She won't stop. Katy's the only girl I could ever love." He sat in a chair exhausted from running from a mad woman.
"Good to hear. Because I hacked her radio. Want to talk to her?"
Jack bolted up. "Yes!"
A voice crackled through the speaker to his left.
"Yeah, Darling. Are you okay?"
"I- fine. Thanks, Ri-."
"No Problem, Kate."
"How is it?" Jack asked just wanting to hear her voice.
Riley messed with a few knobs and the voice became clear.
"Sucks. I miss you all, horribly! We broke into a cocaine deal. Ended nasty. Lost Jonah."
"Sorry about him. He was a good man."
"Yeah we are too. Sending him home in a few hours. How's my boy?"
"He's fine. Crazy and reckless, but keeping busy. He misses you a lot."
"I miss him too, more than he'll ever know. How are you, Riles?"
"I'm surviving. It isn't the same with you gone." She looked down.
"I know, baby girl. I'll be home soon. I promise. And when I get home no one will be able to drag me away." Katy promised up and down, sniffling slightly.
"Is my daughter alright?"
"Yes. She sleeps in your shirt every night, but she's alright." Jack answered.
"I miss her." She sobbed loudly at the thought of her daughter.
"You'll See Her soon. Promise."
"Jack, I gotta go. Commanders coming. We're moving out in the morning. I love you. All of you."
"We know, Angel. Just come home safe.

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