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~Magcon day 2

*Matthew POV

The feeling is frustrating and I can't talk to anyone about it because they have no idea what it's like and you aren't supposed to tell anyone about it.

I wonder if there is anyone like me.

Doubt it.

On the bright side Magcon has been a blast! the fans are amazing and the people I get to spend time with are too!

Hannah became friends with Jennifer and I saw them talking and laughing and they would occasionally look over at me.

I wanted to know what they were saying but I shook it off and continued to meet all of the fans.

*Hannahs POV

I finally have a friend.

I mean the guys are my friends.

But I meant one that's a girl. I've never really got along with females.

I get along with my fans because well they're my fans.

But Jennifer there's something about her that's just so diffident and I like it.

We had a little 15 Minute break so I decided to take Jennifer back with me .

H: So out of all the boys who's your favorite.

She took a few seconds to think about it.

J: I love them all! they've all have done to save me it sucks that I didn't get to meet them all but if I had to choose it would be .... Matt!

Somehow I knew she was going to say that!

H: Aw! he's really sweet and a good friend!
You should talk to him!

J: what do you mean by 'talk' I've talked to him and we've taken a picture he is the sweetest!

H: I mean like get his number or something!

J: ummm I'm not sure... I -

I cut her off.

MATTHEW! I yelled

He came over.

M: Hey Hannah whatsup ?

H: So I was thinking ... you should give Jennifer here your number.

M: I don't think that's a good idea....

And he just walked off. I looked at Jennifer to see her reaction.

J: see I told you so.

Why are they acting so strange?

The break was over and it was time for us all to go on stage and just ask the fans questions and goof off.

I didn't really talk to Matt or interact with him because of how he acted back there.

I don't know what gotten into him.

Jack G came over to me and whispered something in my ear.

JG: Team up with me and let's double smack cam your brother.

I smirked and nodded my head in agree ment. We turned to a corner so no one could see what we were up to and we sprayed the whip cream in our hands. Cameron was with Shawn and they were singing. Shawn sounded amazing Cam on the other hand was acting off and being silly.

The other Jack and Matt were throwing free merchandise out to the fans.

I looked at Jack G and he did a count down from three on his fingers.

We snuck up of on cam Jack on the right of him me on the left

He yelled SMACK CAM!!! And my both slapped and smeared the whip cream in his face.

Everyone died laughing and it turned into a smack cam war everyone was getting smackcamed and sprayed with silly string.

It was super fun. Magcon DC had finally came to an end I was quite exhausted .

We were in the limo heading back to the hotel. Jack and Jack were sitting by each other then Matthew and Shawn sitting together then me and cameron. I was going to sit by Jack G but cameron insisted on me to sit by him.

C: what's up with you and Matt ?

H: I tried to get him to get Jennifer's number but he walked away it wasn't like him .

C: who knows Hannah he maybe doesn't want a reltaionship.

H: they both were acting weird about it though.

C: did they look interested in each other?

H: yes! very that's why I did what I did!

C: Hannah that probably means... they're like us....

Maybe that's why I like Jennifer and got so close to Matt . I can't tell them they're like me they'll found out once they fall for each other .

I'll invite her over to the hotel tomorrow.


400 reads yay!

Ooooo the countdowns getting steadily closer for Hannah and Cameron!

I haven't been to school so far this week because of snow lol

Thanks for reading guys

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Thanks guys

Love y'all

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