Ch 32.

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*Hannah's POV

Taylor and I are currently on a plane heading to California to stay with Shawn and everyone again. I'm kinda relieved that we will all be together again I didn't think splitting up wouldn't last long anyways . I knew she'd find out our plan she's always devious like that. Taylor was asleep on my shoulder he's just as stressed out as I am. A unfamiliar looking woman came up to me out of nowhere. "Hannah?" she asks. "Um..yeah. May I help you?" She hands me a disk "put this in your DVD player. " she tosses the disk and walks away with no exclamation what so ever. I'm kinda curious about what it could be so I put the disk in. It shows different words such as "get ready for the worst day of your life." "I'll find a way to get him reprogrammed." "Prepare for death." The threats continued . I knew it was Jade who sent this . Who was that lady though? Will she actually kill me? The video ended with a scary pop up picture of Jade and a horror scream. I chunked the DVD player to the ground and hit my face. I'm officially 100% horrified . My actions woke Taylor up. "Hannah what happened?" He asked worriedly. "I-m going t-to d-d-die." "explain ."
Luckily the DVD player still worked so I showed him the video. The ending made him jump too. He looked at me. "How'd you get this?" "Some lady." "Fuck." "Taylor what's wrong?" "That was Jade in disguise ." My heart skipped a beat. "what are we going to do ? " I asked. Before he could answer the flight attendant came on saying we'd be in California in 15 minutes. Taylor held me close whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "It's impossible to reprogram someone." She just messed up." We finally had landed Taylor and I headed off the plane as quickly as possible grabbed our luggage and darted to find Shawn and Anna .

A/N hey guys I've been having writers block because idk where to go with this but ik you guys love it so it's for y'all ❤️ also go check out my new story called a second chance at life!

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