Ch 34.

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*Hannah's POV

I busted into the room I knew my brother would be in. As I walked through the door not knocking or caring what he'd be doing behind the door. I just needed to see my brother. Good thing he was only sitting on the couch with Ashley watching TV. It was good to see her again I need a girl around . Something about Anna is off like she's a good person but she doesn't stick to her word I just wish she'd beat jade and all this would be over with. Cameron noticed me and his face perked up. "Hannah!!!" He hopped up off the couch and ran over to me engulfing me in a huge bear hug which I didn't mind because I very much so needed that. "Are you alright what's all going on?" He asked. I told him everything from Jade being on the plane to Anna not keeping her word. He knew I'd be quite fed up with everything so he knew he'd have to absorb all this catching up information quickly. "Hannah don't worry we will get through this you're my little sister and if Anna doesn't do anything soon Jade will have to get through me first before she does anything to you." I've missed him I don't think I could so long with out my brother. He's the main reason why I'm still alive and even made it to Taylor . There was a knock on the door Ashley went over to open the door Everyone was here even 3 Girls I've never met before. They all came in and it was a little family reunion already ! I've honestly missed everyone. Nash and the Jacks introduced me into the three girls explaining they were like me meaning Magcon had all come together and we were the only ones like this in the world . The only good news I found out this night is that There is no way Jade can reprogram Taylor that's impossible, but that won't stop her from trying. Even more interesting information is that Jade has harassed them too. Who are they?

A/N Hey guys I'm back! Sorry I've had test for school to take but they are over this is just a little crappy chapter to make up for what I've missed! so all of the boys had the powers and jade has harassed more then just Hannah what out Anna how do y'all feel about her ?! Also I need names for Nash and the jacks girlfriends names so Message me about that! vote comment share! love y'all

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