Ch 46.

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*Hannahs POV

Cameron is clearly upset we haven't spent time together in awhile. I know I promised it would change but sometimes people just don't have the time . Don't get me wrong I want to spend time with my brother I love him he's the reason I'm here and I can't thank him enough but I really just need to be able to breathe once in awhile. We have all been experiencing things in the human world that we wouldn't normally feel if we were how we used to be. It's a lot to take in, in such a short amount of time when normally these feelings would happen through out a regular persons life time instead of a few months. I think we all need to realize that and just let it be. I was cut of when Taylor announced he didn't feel good and he passed out. Shear panic came over me and I didn't know what to do. "SOMEONE CALL 911!" before I knew it tears were spilling down my face and it was getting harder and harder for me to breathe. I couldn't take it much longer before I knew it my vision was blurry from the tears all I could hear was everyone scurrying and sirens faintly in the background. I felt someone's arms around me trying to calm me down. I couldn't tell who's voice it was at first but then I realized it was Cameron's.

*Cameron's POV

Okay no matter how angry I am at her no matter what I can't stand it seeing my sister cry. As soon as she started crying I immediately dropped everything and made my way to her. All the girls were trying to comfort her but I needed nothing more but my baby sister at that moment. She's my best friend. I know how much she loves Taylor and wants to be with him and always make sure she gives him space but at the same time look out for him. They look out and care for one another and it's such a beautiful sight. I 100% trust Taylor with her it's what he was programmed to do. Then I just had the biggest reality check of my life. It was that time for me to let go and let Taylor take place for watching over Hannah. He knows what she's been through. "Cameron." Hannah sniffled barley getting my name out. "Yes sissy, what is it?" "Do you hate me?" I was completely shocked did I make her feel this way? "No I just miss you, but trust me okay when I tell you this." She nodded her head slowly still crying. "Taylor is going to be okay I promise you that he just wasn't feeling well he's going to be in good hands at the hospital and he will be good as new as fast as they can get him I really want you to stop crying and get something to drink and calm yourself down before you have a panic attack it will all be well soon I promise you." I could feel her arms wrapped tightly around my torso and her head buried in my chest I noticed her breathing slowing down steadily to a normal rate she looked up at me as I whipped the remaining tears from her face with my thumb. "I'm sorry we haven't spent much time like I promised it's all my fault I'm -." "Shhhhh don't worry about any of that sis okay." she looked confused at first, but then nodded as I kissed her forehead. "I love you bubby." she told me. "I love you too."

After our little moment Matthew comes over to tell us only two people could ride in the back of the ambulance. So Hannah and I would be riding so I could support her if she decided to have another break down my seeing the love of her life in this condition. Everyone else hugged and said they'd be up at the hospital soon to visit and check up on how Taylor is doing because honestly if we aren't showing it we all saw it happen and we all want the best for our friend. We hopped inside the back of the ambulance Hannah sat the closest to Taylor as the paramedics were doing CPR and other things to make sure he's okay. I could see this was a lot to take in she held on to Taylor's hand with her head on the railing of the stretcher and I rubbed her back for comfort this honestly wasn't the best scene to look at I wanted to cry myself but I have to stay strong for my sister I already feel bad enough as it is.

A/N Hey guys! I hopped you enjoyed this chapter it was a lot for me to write this because I've been in a situation like this before actually a lot of the little things in the story have actually happened to me before I may just add a little something in it to spice it up! anyways I really hope you guys are still enjoying the story! I can't believe it got to 16.2k and growing I didn't think it would get to 500 thank you guys so so much !!! I love y'all also I have other stories if you guys are interested in checking them out that would be awesome! love yall!

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