Ch 40.

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*Shawn's POV

Everything has been running smooth around here lately. It's a good thing. The only drama is the girls have been having issues . I don't understand girls. it's like they've chosen groups to hang out with each other. Hannah and Anna are still hanging out a lot lately Jennifer has been joining them too as well as Miguela. Nikki Carrie Danielle and Ashley have all been hanging out. They boys have all noticed this and are going to get them all together and fix any drama the girls have said about eachother with in the groups . Besides we want to keep our girls happy and not create drama by picking sides with our girlfriends .

*Hannah's POV

Anna and I were out hanging at the board walk. A lot of fans ran up to us and were asking for pictures most were selfies . We hung out and went shopping with a few . Two girls even bought us lunch. Afterwards we meet up with Jennifer and Miguela at this cafe. We all got our usuals and cookies and just sat on twitter talking about the celebrity gossip. "Hannah look who just walked in." Jennifer said. I turned around to find Ashely Nicky Danielle and Carrie walk through the door. I sighed and heard them snickering . I've always been the bigger person so I didn't let this affect me. I take a lot of peoples shit before I can go off. Ashley had no reason to turn the new girls against me and everyone else just because she's jealous . After they order everyone else in the cafe clears out. that's strange. I see a familiar figure lock us in. cameron? he has a slight smirk with a side of guilt on his face. I run to the back door only to see Taylor locking that door before he could lock it "Taylor!" "sorry babe but we can't have drama." "but I didn't do anything and she turned them against me." "maybe you should think again." he told me . I was angry with him at this point . "oh sure take her side." I said while crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "Babe don't be like that." he said while putting his hand on my shoulder. "don't touch me." I spat and pushed his hand off. his eyes softened and he looked upset I immediately felt bad. "Taylor I-." "Save it Hannah ." he walked off locking the door.

*Taylor's POV

I met up with Cameron like I was supposed to but Hannah just really hurt me. "hey man did you give in?" he asked jokingly. I just stood there and didn't say anything. "what's wrong man what happened?" Cameron asked me. "Hannah thinks I'm taking Ashley's side . exactly what we aren't supposed to do and she pushed me off when I tried to help." a tear escaped my eye . "thanks for taking care of my sister she loves in scratch that she's IN love with you and it's just the heat of the moment her and Ashley have to make up so there isn't any conflict in our little family okay?" I shook my head and he gave me a bro hug. we planned on leaving them in there for about 40 minutes carter has a little microphone to explain that they need to makeup.

(To be continued)

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