01 | potato chips

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kim jisoo ; 10 years old

"Jisoo-yah! Why is your dress dirty?"

She couldn't bring herself to look straight into her mother's eyes. Her muddy pink shoes were probably the only things interesting to look at as of this moment. Jisoo fiddled with her dirty hands, probably thinking of a perfect excuse to free herself from the terrifying glare of her mother. Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, the angry voice of her mother cut her off.

"Why can't you be like your sister, Irene?"

Jisoo frowned upon hearing her sister's name. It has always been like this, ever since the two were born, Irene has always been the favorite child. The two were the complete opposite; Irene was the perfect daughter whilst Jisoo was just average.

Her lips trembled and tears threatened to fall down her eyes as she continued to avoid eye contact with her mother.

"I-I'm sorry... mama." she stuttered and sniffed.

The woman didn't spare the young girl any kindness as she yelled at her daughter, ordering her to go back to her room. Jisoo wasted no time and hurried to her room; the tears she held back were finally flowing down.


*sniff sniff*

The ten-year-old male stopped in his tracks upon seeing a girl sitting on the swing, crying. Being the curious person Taehyung was, he decided to walk over to the crying girl.

"what's wrong?" he asked, bending down to take a peek of her face, but the girl was quick to turn her head in order to avoid eye contact.

He felt guilty if he left the girl alone. Taehyung doesn't like it when the people around him are sad, whether it was a stranger or an acquaintance. He pondered for a while before coming up with an idea to stop the poor girl's sobbing.

Taehyung sat down and rummaged through his backpack, finding the pack of potato chips that he stole from the cupboard before going out. He ripped the package open before offering a piece to the girl.

She paused and looked at Taehyung. Her eyes widened at the potato chip that was in the hands of the young latter.

"Go ahead, you can take it," Taehyung said, smiling at her.

The young girl hesitated to take the piece - since her mother told her that taking food from strangers was a big 'no-no'. But there was something in his smile that made her heart flutter, so she took the chip and plopped it in her mouth before slowly chewing.

Taehyung smiled, feeling like he accomplished something huge. He then sat down on the swing right beside the girl and looked at her puffy, red eyes.

"Now, can you tell me why were you crying?"

The girl narrowed her eyes at Taehyung. She was hesitant once again; she doesn't know if spilling the beans to a boy he just met would do her any good. Just when she was about to speak, Taehyung suddenly cuts her off.

"Oh! I'm Taehyung by the way, nice to meet you," he says, reaching his hand out for a handshake.

The girl looked surprised, but she just nodded and reached in for the handshake.

"I'm Jisoo.."

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