06 | "it's okay"

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kim jisoo ; 13 years old

She ran her fingers through her silky hair while letting out a tired sigh.

Class started not too long ago, yet her energy was already drained. Her eyes were barely open and concentration was out of her reach; this was probably her consequence of staying up late at night just to practice what she'd say to Taehyung. Yes, it was quite ridiculous. Staying up all night, practicing what to say to your best friend who has been by your side for three years.

Jisoo wondered why she was so worked up about asking Taehyung a simple question. I mean, he was her best friend; a person who she can lean and basically ask anything. He wouldn't turn down her kind request to accompany her the whole afternoon on a Saturday, right?

Frustrated, she accidentally crumpled a piece of paper from her newly bought paper pad. Jisoo then glanced at Taehyung and could feel her heart beating rapidly as her favorite memories with him playing in her mind; like that one time where they camp right outside Taehyung's yard just to catch butterflies. They made it this far without fighting, so why can't Jisoo gather up the courage and just ask?

Perhaps she was afraid of rejection; afraid that Taehyung might not like the idea and simply turn it down. Jisoo was definitely not ready to be rejected by Taehyung and probably never will be.


"Maybe you can text him the question, that way... You can avoid contact AND you can save yourself from embarrassment."

Jisoo just sulked in her seat whilst listening to another one of Lisa's pieces of advice - though she has no plan in doing any of it.

"But he is my best friend, I should ask him verbally, not through the screen," Jisoo stated as she poked the meat with her chopsticks.

Lisa sighed and gave Jisoo's back a soft pat. "Well good luck mate, you're going to need it."

Before Jisoo could understand what Lisa meant by that, a soft thud was heard from the other side of the table. "Hey, Tae!"

Taehyung glanced at Jisoo and smiled. "Hi Chichu!" he exclaimed happily and turned to Lisa, "Hey Liz!"

Lisa smiled and just waved her hand. She then nudged Jisoo, giving her the 'you-do-it-now' look. The black-haired female frowned and turned to the latter, who seemed to be in his own world whilst he was eating his lunch.

Jisoo gathered her courage, taking a deep breath before facing Taehyung. Her heart was beating faster as the heat rose to her cheeks with each passing second. Her lips parted and she began to speak; "Taehyungie.." she called out, gaining the latter's attention.

Taehyung looked at Jisoo, eyebrows raised, eyes widened and ramyeon dangling from his mouth. He then slowly slurped the remaining noodles and wiped his mouth with a spare tissue. "Yeah?"

Jisoo fumbled with her fingers as she continued talking, "I was wondering... i-if.. you were... uhm.. f-free this Saturday?"


As soon as Jisoo got home, she immediately ran up the stairs and into her bedroom. She threw away her bag before crashing into her bed. She then buried her head deep in the covers before letting out sounds that resembled a dying hyena.

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