22 | "i love you"

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

No words could express how much pain she felt at that moment, Jisoo was absolutely speechless. Not even a gasp or a word escaped from her mouth. Her vision suddenly turned blurry as she was on the brink of tears.

She wanted to run away from this place, she wanted to run freely to lift the pain in her chest, however her feet wouldn't cooperate so she stayed there to listen to her older sister's confession.

"Taehyung, I have liked you ever since we've became close friends. Every time when you're with me, my heart would flutter. Everything about you is perfect and I feel so lucky to meet someone like you."

A moment of silence was shortly followed after the confession. Curiosity got over Jisoo as to what is happening, so she decided to take a small peek into the scene. And from the moment she caught a glimpse of the two, she immediately wished she didn't look.

Irene was wrapped in the warmth of Taehyung's embrace, both seem to be enjoying every second of it. The smile on the brunette's face says it all, and Jisoo knew for sure that her older sister has suceeded in capturing her best friend's heart.

Jisoo immediately retreated back her head as she slowly leaned against the door. The tears she has been holding back were finally flowing down her cheeks. She covered her mouth, letting out muffled sobs; this was too much for her poor heart.

She needed to escape, to run away again from her troubles and pain. And so she did, Jisoo ran away and didn't even dared to look back.

kim taehyung ; 16 years old

Never did he expect to hear a confession from his best friend's older sister. Taehyung was speechless when he heard Irene rambling on and on about how he changed her whole life. And when she finished they both stared into each other's eyes; there was a moment of silence between them, and no one dared to speak.

He just had to think of a way to turn down the girl's confession nicely, so Taehyung went in and pulled the girl into an embrace. It lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away. He then looked at Irene again and saw hope and happiness in her eyes; she misunderstood the hug.

Taehyung sighed and looked at Irene in the eye;

"I appreciate your confession Irene, however.." he paused and thought of Jisoo's smiling face before continuing,

"I already have someone else.."

Jisoo avoided looking at Taehyung and Irene for the rest of the afternoon. She would glance at them when needed but when there is no need, then she would ignore their existence. It was too much; having to stand by the two people who were supposed to make you feel happiness, instead they only reminded her the countless times she cried.

As the final bell rang, Jisoo immediately packed up her things and left. "Lisa! I'll be going ahead" she stated, not even glancing at Taehyung, who was rushing just to catch up to her.

"Chichu!" The brunette yelled out as he ran through the crowd of students in the hallways. He ignored the looks given to him by the people he pushed away, the only person that mattered to Taehyung right now was Jisoo.

When he had finally pushed past the crowd of students, he started frantically looking around and hoped that he didn't lose Jisoo. And when there was no sight of his best friend, he ran his figers through his hair and let out a deep sigh.

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