21 | confessions

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She looked exhausted the next day; her thoughts were jumbled up. And this was all because of what Taehyung had told her the day before;

'a kiss between us isn't going to change anything.'

Jisoo sighed, ruffling her black hair in frustration. She rested her chin on her palm and found herself staring at Taehyung, who was currently busy with practice. 

'What could he possibly mean by that? Did he reciprocate my feelings or did he mean that just because we are best friends?'

Her thoughts were then cut off when she saw a familiar blonde approaching her.

"Unnie, you look absolutely terrible today." Lisa bluntly stated and sat right beside the female. Jisoo scoffed and brushed her hair to the side in an attempt to fix her tired look.

"Can you mind telling me what's bugging you then?" Lisa asked, leaning towards the older female. Jisoo instinctively moved further away as she was not used to the blonde being this close. She kept her mouth shut whilst the blonde continued to persuade her into spilling the beans.

She was hesitant; Lisa would usually make a big deal about since the topic was mainly about her love life. Jisoo parted her lips and was about to say something when Lisa leaned back on her chair and let out a sigh.

"If you aren't going to tell anything then I might as well tell you this.." Lisa said and glanced at Taehyung and Irene before looking back at Jisoo.

"While I saw them practicing, Irene kept glancing at Taehyung-oppa and would get all bashful whenever they'll have skinship." Lisa began as Jisoo listened closely, "Don't you think that Irene has feelings for Taehyung?" she asked.

Jisoo froze. She was aware that Irene has feelings for Taehyung since she heard her confess it a long time ago. And that's when her heart sank; there was no way that she could compete against her own sister, it was established that Irene was basically better than her.

"Yeah... I think so." Jisoo mumbled, glancing at Taehyung's smiling face.


kim irene ; 15 years old

Her heart felt like leaping out of her chest as she held Taehyung's hand. The two were currently practicing for the ballroom scene and it was obvious that skinship would be involved in this. As she brushed her hands against his, she could feel her knees go weak and cheeks were obviously going red.

Irene was quite happy that she'd get to be the main female character on their play along side Taehyung. Every scene they did together made her heart skip a beat. However, she noticed something that was slightly bothering her.

She noticed how Taehyung would sneak a glance at someone whenever they'd practice. At first she was curious as to who he could be possibly looking at, so she took the chance to follow his gaze when he was not looking. Irene's stomach churned, realizing that he had been glancing at her little sister Jisoo.

She was aware of her little sister's feelings towards the brunette; it was quite obvious. Irene had no intentions of breaking or destroying her younger sister's spirit and feelings and made sure to distance herself from the male.

But everytime they'd come in contact, she wanted to hug him and claim him as his. Call her selfish, but that is what her heart is telling her. So she has decided to confess her feelings to Taehyung, to end the heavy feelings in her heart once and for all.


"Alright guys, you did a good job! Let's practice again after lunch break." Jihyo stated and waved off her other classmates goodbye as she exited the classroom.

They have finally finished doing the very last scene where Romeo sacrifices his life in order for his Juliet to continue on living. And as the others were heading out to the canteen/other places, Jisoo was still busy with the costumes.

As she has finally placed the last costume inside the box, a familiar brunette entered the classroom. Jisoo's face heated up as Taehyung walked towards her with a wide grin on his face.

"Chichu~~ Are you finished with putting back the costumes?" he inquired.

Jisoo gripped onto the backpack's straps, slowly looking down whilst nodding. Suddenly she was grabbed by the wrist and pulled out of the classroom.

"Taehyung, please slow down!" Jisoo exclaimed as she and Taehyung ran past through the crowd of students. The brunette didn't comply to the female's request as he ran past through the double doors of the canteen.

"I'm excited to eat with my Chichu again~" he sang whilst running towards their table, where Lisa was waiting. Jisoo saw that the blonde was wiggling her eyebrows and making hearts as they neared the table.

Her cheeks were flushed red as she silently prayed to the gods that Lisa won't do anything this lunch time.


Jisoo was glad that Taehyung had to go somewhere by the time they finished eating. She didn't want to look at him; no, not after the many skinships they shared whilst they were eating. Lisa made them sit together and would constantly push her to him whenever she had the chance. And she was honestly glad that it was over (even though she secretly enjoyed it).

As Lisa and Jisoo were entering the classroom, Jihyo immediately ran up to them.

"Did Taehyung eat his lunch with you?" Jihyo asked.

Lisa nodded whilst Jisoo looked away. "Though he left after we ate.." the blonde stated.

Jihyo sighed. "Can you please tell him to go here immediately? We have altered a few of his lines for the last scene."

Lisa glanced at Jisoo and nudged the older. "Soo, you go look for him." she said, earning a glare from Jisoo.

"And why should I do that?"

"Well you are his BEST FRIEND." Lisa said, emphasizing the words 'best friend'.

Jisoo just sighed and walked out of the classroom whilst regretting the choice of having Lisa as her friend.


She trudged up the stairs that lead to the school's rooftop. Jisoo wondered why the brunette would be here in the first place. As she reached the top of the stairs, she did a small victory dance before slowly opening the door and poking her head outside.

Jisoo's eyes widened once she has spotted Taehyung there, though he wasn't exactly alone. Her heart sank when she saw the brunette and her older sister standing face to face, as if they were going to confess something.

She then backed up against the door, opening it a bit in order to eavesdrop on their conversation;

"Taehyung-ah, I like you..."

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