25 | his juliet

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She smiled bitterly at Irene as she watched her older sister dragging Taehyung to the backstage. And when the two were no longer at sight, a frown was now visible on her face.

"Why are you frowning, Jisoo?" she whispered to herself as tears threatened to flow down her face, "He never was yours to begin with.. Every single moment you've spent with him is all part of your little fantasies."

Jisoo sighed as she balled her fists. No matter how much she tried to be perfect, to be just like her sister, she could never top Irene in everything. She was always the second option, the side character, and the one who is always stuck with the bitter ending.

She bit her lip, glancing at her watch and realizing that there were only thirty minutes left before the play would start; thirty minutes before every fantasy of being together with Taehyung will be destroyed.

"As long as I am his best friend.." Jisoo paused as she finally let the tears flow down her cheeks, "I will be okay.." she whispered to herself, continuously wiping each tear that escaped her eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

Jisoo's sobbing came to an end when she looked back to see Jinyoung standing there. She wiped her tear-stained cheeks, quickly calming herself so that she could face the boy.

"I wasn't crying.." Jisoo lied as she faced the male with a smile plastered on her face; she tried to mask the sadness but it was already too late, Jinyoung had already seen her intentions.

"You can fool anyone with that smile, but not me.. I have already seen the tears so no need to hide it." Jinyoung stated as he neared the girl.

"It's about Taehyung, right?" Jinyoung inquired.

Jisoo froze on her spot and whipped her head to Jinyoung's direction. "How did you-"

"I could tell by the way you look at him.." Jinyoung said as he dug his hands into his pockets as he stood right beside Jisoo. A smile was plastered on his face as he continued talking;

"You know, you shouldn't waste your tears because the guy you are crying over actually likes you.." Jinyoung casually stated as he glanced at Jisoo, who was now staring at him blankly. The girl blinked a couple of times before she scoffed and looked at the other direction.

"I highly doubt that. He already has a girlfriend for pete's sake - which happens to be my sister as well." Jisoo stated in a cold tone whilst crossing her arms. She then laughed bitterly as she continued on, "All the things he did for me were simply out of kindness; after all, he is my best friend."

Jinyoung just chuckled and patted Jisoo's shoulder. "Believe what you want, but I am sure that Taehyung likes you..." he simply stated before walking away, leaving Jisoo completely lost in her own thoughts.


Jisoo blushed as Taehyung walked out the dressing room with his costume on. He was currently resembling a fallen angel, which explained the realistic black-feathered angel wings on his back.

(his costume is all up to your imagination. and no, you can't imagine him being naked or topless)

"How do I look Chichu?" Taehyung asked as he walked towards Jisoo.

Jisoo could feel her heartbeat quickened as the man was now standing so close to her body. She couldn't breathe properly; Taehyung was too close and it was messing with her emotions. So she slowly stepped back and gave her best friend two thumbs up for the amazing costume.

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