14 | "i miss you"

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

It was definitely a mistake to come here.

She could feel his gaze boring onto her back as Jisoo continued to converse with Jinyoung about the menu that was displayed. It made her slightly worried that Taehyung might misunderstand the whole situation.

So as soon as she finished talking to a black-haired male, Jisoo slowly made her way towards Taehyung. She saw how he quickly shifted his gaze to the menu, meaning that he had been staring at her when she wasn't looking.

"Hey, Tae!" Jisoo greeted as her lips curved into a smile.

The brunette turned to her and did the same, flashing his (unique) boxy smile. "Hello Chichu, what brings you here?" he asked even though it was painfully obvious.

"Ah, I met a new friend who decided to treat me for some chicken. He offered me a treat right after I helped him with a problem." Jisoo explained. She then watched as Taehyung's expression changed, though she couldn't comprehend what emotion he was trying to show; nevertheless, she continued conversing with the male.

"How about you? Are you with someone or are you alone?" Jisoo asked.

Taehyung's smile returned upon replying, "Ah. I am actually with Irene and the others, we decided to have a lunch break after shopping." he replied.

'Of course, he just had to be with Irene..' she thought as a frown was visible on her face.

"Something wrong?" Taehyung asked, noticing the frown on Jisoo's face. The girl immediately snapped back to her senses and nodded in response.

"I'll be going now... Enjoy your lunch with Irene.." Jisoo said with a hint of sadness in her tone.

'If only he knew...'


"Thanks for lunch!" Lisa exclaimed happily, taking the last sip of her Cola before placing the empty plastic cup on the table. Jisoo just smiled at her blonde friend before glancing at Jinyoung, who seemed to have finished his share of lunch as well.

"Thanks, Jinyoung.." Jisoo said as she gave the man a smile.

"You're welcome... Well then, should we get going?" Jinyoung asked. Jisoo nodded in response and tapped Lisa's shoulder, ushering her to stand up.

Just as they were about to head out of the fast-food chain, they bumped into Jihyo and the others. Jisoo frowned, seeing that Irene and Taehyung were standing beside each other.

"Oh, hey Jisoo and Lisa!" Jihyo greeted and noticed the tall black-haired man behind them, "Is that your friend?" she asked, pointing at Jinyoung.

Jisoo just nodded in response. Lisa then stepped forward and glanced at the shopping bag Jihyo was carrying, "It seems that you guys are quite busy with all the shopping.." she commented.

Jihyo let out a tired sigh, "Yeah, it really is... We could use the extra help though." she said.

"We'll help out!" Lisa chimed and turned to Jisoo, "We WILL help, right unnie?" she then nudged the female beside her.

Jisoo sighed, knowing that she had no choice but to accept. She nodded before glancing at Jinyoung, who seemed to be all ready to sprint away. She glared at him, "You're helping as well.." she stated, earning a groan from the male.

"No complaining!"


|| taehyung ; 16 years old ||

He can't understand why they seem so close already.

As the group was walking through the department store looking for more materials, Taehyung has been keeping a close eye on his best friend. The two appeared to be awfully close despite meeting just minutes ago.

The two have been constantly bickering throughout the whole walk and Taehyung couldn't help but frown; he truly missed hanging around with Jisoo, ever since they texted, it seemed like the distance between them never changed. He lets out a sigh, earning a glance from Irene.

"What's wrong?" the female asked, giving him a concerned look.

"It's nothing.." he mumbled, his gaze still fixed on the two.

Irene then noticed how he has been glancing at Jinyoung and Jisoo. She then gave the male a pat on the back, "Hey... Jinyoung seems like a nice guy... My sister is in good hands.." she commented, glancing at the two.

"He does... But I just couldn't help but miss the times when it was just me and Jisoo." Taehyung said.


"Lisa~" Jisoo called out as she put on the unicorn headband she found in the shop. The blonde saw the hairpiece she was wearing and giggled.

"You're officially part of the unicorn family!" Lisa exclaimed happily while putting on the same unicorn headband Jisoo was wearing. The two then burst into giggles as they returned the headbands back on the shelves.

Jisoo then continued her solo search for props in the aisles of many different accessories and costumes. As she was about to make a turn, she was suddenly pulled into a corner. Frightened that she might come face to face with a burglar, her eyes were shut.

"Chichu~ It's just me."

Jisoo then opened her eyes upon the mention of her nickname. Heat rose up to her cheeks, seeing that Taehyung's face was dangerously close to hers. She immediately stepped back, "O-Oppa? Is there something you need?" she stammered.

She then was suddenly pulled into an embrace.

"I missed you Chichu~"

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