09 | tutor

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kim jisoo ; 14 years old

"We will be having another chapter test next week; this would test the knowledge you have acquired so far on the subject." Miss Kang stated as she gave a stern look to the students, "And I would also like to mention that I expect all of you to pass.."

The woman's eyes landed on the black haired female who was sitting at the far back of the classroom. Jisoo knew that the last sentence was for her. The poor girl has been failing in English; the results of her quizzes weren't quite satisfactory in the eyes of the teacher, which leads to the disappointed look that Miss Kang held when Jisoo passed by her desk.

She knew that Miss Kang had high hopes for her since she was the sister of Irene, who happened to be an achiever. It stressed out the poor girl; being buried under so much expectations and having to be the shadow of Irene. But that wasn't quite her problem now, Jisoo knew that she needed an English tutor... and fast.


"Jisoo, are you really having a hard time in English?"

Irene's concerned expression surprised the younger. This was probably the first time in a hundred years; Irene was actually worried about her younger sister's grades dropping. Jisoo just stared at Irene as the older was looking at the results from her previous English tests.

"Yeah.." Jisoo mumbled as she continued to doodle on her notebook. Silence shortly followed as no one dared to start another conversation, that was until Irene spoke again.

"How about you ask help from Taehyung? He is quite the expert when it comes to this subject." Irene suggested, putting down Jisoo's English test papers on the bed.

Jisoo stiffened upon hearing his name. She didn't think that Irene would suggest Taehyung, then again, he did tutor her older sister in the same subject. She sighed, "I don't think it would be a good idea."

Irene raised a brow, "Why not? Aren't you two best friends?"

"We are... but," Jisoo paused, thinking of another white lie to mask the truth, "He might be busy as well.. And I don't want him to drop because of me."

The older giggled, "Nonsense! I think he would be happy to tutor you." Irene chimed.

Perhaps the older was right, maybe Taehyung would be really glad to see his best friend leaning on him once again.

"Alright then.."


chichu 🐣:

Jisoo nervously bit her bottom lip as she pressed 'send'. After that, the regret immediately seeped in her; she wanted to take back that message as she feared that she might've seemed desperate. She threw her phone to the edge of the bed as she buried her face deep into the pillow before letting out a groan.

'Hopefully Taehyung is busy so that he won't reply and I wouldn't have to deal with an awkward atmosphere.' Jisoo thought as she tossed to the other side.

The familiar 'ding' of her phone startled the poor girl as Jisoo nearly fell off the bed. Her eyes widened as she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She then took a deep breath as she nervously giggled, "It couldn't be Taehyung... Right? It might be Lisa sending me a random pic of a unicorn." Jisoo mumbled to herself as she picked up her phone.

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