17 | stay

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She didn't expect this at all.

The last thing she could remember doing was watching 'Assassination Classroom' with Jinyoung and falling asleep in the process. Jisoo couldn't recall letting Taehyung entering her home and allowing him to sleep beside her. Not to mention, their hands were intertwined as her fingertips brushed against his cheeks.

Jisoo tried her best not to squeal in her place, scared that she'll wake him up and accidentally expose her feelings towards him. She didn't want all those years of spending time with Taehyung going to waste, it was far too precious for her to be just thrown away like that. So she just laid on the couch, watching him sleeping peacefully.

She wanted to stay like this forever; everything was calm and quiet. It felt like they were in their own little world, a space that only existed for the two of them. Jisoo smiled as she continued looking at Taehyung's peaceful state; if only they could spend time like this.

She then watched as Taehyung shifted and his eyelids opened. Jisoo didn't have enough time to cover herself with the blanket so she found her gaze locked with his. Her cheeks flushed red as she shyly smiled at the male, "H-Hi.." she stuttered, embarassed that she was caught staring.

Taehyung looked at the girl with a confused look before realizing where he was. "A-Ah, hey Chichu.." he said. He was still oblivious at the fact that their hand were intertwined.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked before yawning; he was still oblivious at the fact that their hands were intertwined.

Jisoo just nodded in response, afraid that she might say something stupid if she opened her mouth since her brain hasn't finished processing the scene yet.

The brunette just smiled and noticed that his right hand was rather quite warm than the other, he looked and saw Jisoo's and his hands locked together. Taehyung's eyes widened and he immediately let go whilst uttering an apology.

Jisoo felt quite disappointed now that the warmth she felt was now gone, but it was expected anyways since Taehyung held no feelings for her or anything. He probably did it out of pity or because they were best friends.

"It's alright.." she muttered whilst blankly staring at her hands. Jisoo's heart still ached for Taehyung after all; those feelings she held for him still lingered and she hated the fact that she can't get over it. She then looked at the brunette, who was already looking at her with such curiosity.

"Is there anything wrong Chichu?"

Yes, the fact that you are here to wreck my feelings again is disturbing me.

Jisoo just smiled and shook her head. "No, I'm probably just sick.. That's all." she lied as she slowly sat up.

"I'll cook you chicken soup then." Taehyung stated as he stood up.

"You know you can't cook, right?" Jisoo said. Taehyung then looked at the girl with a 'hurt' expression whilst he clutched onto his chest, acting as if her statement were arrows that have attacked his heart.

"That was mean~ You don't have faith in your best friend?" he said sadly, earning a giggle from Jisoo.

"Go ahead then, let's see if you suceed without burning the kitchen."


"Use the pot, not the frying pan." Jisoo bluntly stated as she contined watching the brunette struggle behind the counter. The female offered him to help but Taehyung said that she was sick and that it should be him doing all of the work, but it looks like he seriously needed help.

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