20 | "right here for you"

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She barely slept last night as her mind was clouded with thousands of negative things. The monsters in her head were just whispering thousands of horrible things in her head and she hated how her inner demons were right.

'Irene has always been better at you, why bother trying to snatch Taehyung away from her?'

'Did you really think that he would like you back? Oh please, look at your goddamn sister for pete's sake! She has always been better than you, prettier than you, and smarter than you.'

'Taehyung sees you as his best friend and nothing more.'

'You're just a speck in his life, there will come a time where he will permanently erase you from his life.'

'There is nothing special about you, he probably finds you annoying.'

And the insults she created herself just kept rolling in. Jisoo couldn't help but let out a scream. She was a mess, everything was a mess, her whole life is a big mess. All of this was happening just because of her feelings for someone.

Irene barged in the room whilst holding a baseball bat in one hand. She was frantically looking everywhere, searching for any robbers or strangers that could've harrassed her sister. But found none; the older then glanced at her younger sister and noticed how she was at the verge of crying.

"What happened?" Irene asked, dropping the baseball bat and immediately rushing to her younger sister's aid.

Jisoo couldn't speak. Words couldn't express what she was feeling right now, so she broke down in front of her older sister.

"Everything is so confusing sis~~" Jisoo cried out as she covered her eyes. Irene frowned, not liking the tears flowing down her little sister's cheeks.

The older pulled the younger into a warm embrace, caressing Jisoo's tear stained cheeks with her thumb. "Shh.. Don't cry anymore. Mom and dad won't like it when they'll see you crying so early in the morning." Irene cooed, hugging her sister tighter.

Jisoo's sobs became louder as she buried her face into Irene's now tear stained uniform.

Jisoo knew that she shouldn't be seeking help or comfort from her older sister, but now that she thought of it, she never heard the older brag about her achievements, she never heard her older sister tease her about being the worst in the family; Irene has always been there for her.

Jisoo could feel guilt surrounding her heart; she had always been mad at her sister even though Irene didn't do anything. The only reason why the two sisters have grown apart from each other is the jealousy she felt towards the older.

Jisoo now knew; she was the problem in the relationship, not Irene.


kim taehyung ; 16 years old

He was devastated upon seeing the state Jisoo was in when she entered the classroom; her hair wasn't neatly combed, her uniform was slightly crumpled, and her eyes were red and puffy. Taehyung knew that she had been crying and it killed him that he doesn't have a single clue.

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