02 | cupcakes

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kim jisoo ; 11 years old

She held onto her mother's hand tightly, afraid that if she didn't, she'll get lost.

"Oh! Oh!" Jisoo jumped excitedly whilst pointing at the tray of chocolate cupcakes that were displayed in the 'pastries' aisle.

"Eomma! Let's get cupcakes!"

"No Jisoo, we have to buy what's needed.." her mother smiled, finding her daughter's childish antics endearing.

"But cupcakes are a must!" Jisoo whined as she insisted on adding the cupcakes on their shopping cart.

"You seem to be desperate in buying those sweets. What's so important about buying these cupcakes anyways?"

That's when Jisoo went silent. The cupcakes were for Taehyung since it would be his birthday in the next two days. She wanted to surprise the latter with some chocolate cupcakes, but it can't be done since Jisoo had no money of her own to purchase the treats.

And she was too afraid to tell her mother about Taehyung; if she were to spill the beans about her male friend then her mother wouldn't hesitate to invite him to the house for a meal. And if that were to happen, then there was a 100% chance that Irene would snatch Taehyung away from her.

It's not like Jisoo hated Irene. She loved her (Irene), she truly did but she was afraid of being alone once again if Taehyung and her sister would cross paths.

"Maybe someday, I'll tell you all about Taehyung.." Jisoo whispered as she continued walking down the aisles with her mother.


december 29

[ 9:00 pm ]

Jisoo slowly crept inside her parents' bedroom. She made sure to close the door in a careful matter as to not disturb the two adults sleeping. The young girl was planning on stealing a few coins and bills from her mother's purse. She knew that this was risky and can probably get her into a lot of trouble, but she was desperate for chocolate cupcakes on Taehyung's birthday (which happened to be tomorrow).

Her hands slowly traveled up the nightstand. She carefully maneuvered her small, fragile hands on the nightstand whilst searching for the purse. Once she felt the leather, Jisoo then grabbed it quietly. She opened the wallet and got the amount of money that she needed.

Just as she returned the leather purse, her mother rolled to the other side of the bed, facing the little girl. Jisoo panicked and placed the wallet back before quietly leaving the room.


"Happy birthday Taehyungie!"

Jisoo giggled, showing the chocolate cupcakes to the brunette.

The two kids were currently sitting under the huge oak tree in the park. It was one of their many favorite hangout areas at the park (with the playground being their favorite). Since it was a sunny day today, Jisoo thought that this would be the best place to celebrate Taehyung's 12th birthday. It was shady and wide enough to protect from the harsh exposure of the sun.

Jisoo reached for a cupcake and carefully removed the paper before offering the piece to Taehyung. He smiled, and took a huge bite of the cupcake and as he chewed, Jisoo noticed a small smudge of frosting on the Taehyung's cheeks.

Jisoo did not hesitate and went in to wipe off the frosting. Whilst she did this, Taehyung just sat there and studied the girl, taking in every detail. From the way her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration to the way her eyes shone brightly under the small specks of sunlight. He was in awe and couldn't help but think, 

She's beautiful.

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