07 | taerene?

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kim taehyung ; 14 years old

Seasons change, so can people.

Ever since he spent the whole day tutoring Irene, he noticed the sudden change in Jisoo. She seemed to be avoiding him; whenever classes were over, he'd usually head home with Jisoo and Lisa, but the girl would immediately rush out the classroom once the bell rang. And Jisoo would usually come to Taehyung whenever she had a problem, but he hasn't heard anything from her since.

Perhaps he did something wrong with the female. Taehyung would spend hours trying to recall what wrong he had done to Jisoo, but he always seemed to fail in coming up with a conclusion. He sighed and laid down on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He then turned his head to the nightstand, where his phone rested; he also did try calling or texting Jisoo, but she wouldn't answer.

"What the hell did I do?" he whispered.


Taehyung was no longer excited about attending school, knowing that Jisoo would repeat the same actions again, which was ignoring him. He truly missed her company; he once hung out with Irene and it wasn't like he didn't enjoy her company, but hanging out with Jisoo was different.

Jisoo had always been the mood maker. She'd make things less awkward for the person with her corny jokes and bizarre ideas. You could say that she had an amazing personality, and Taehyung liked that. If only he didn't have a crush on Irene, he would've totally fell for Jisoo. (too bad Taehyung only saw her as a friend at first)


Ah, speak of the devil

Irene smiled, waving at Taehyung as he entered the school premises. Heat immediately rose up to his cheeks as he shyly waved back at the female.

"Hey, Irene. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine Taehyung-ssi.." she beamed happily as she looked up at the brunette.

The sudden eye contact made Taehyung's heart skip a beat. Her eyes were just filled with life and happiness (a/n: pun not intended); it was probably one of the reasons as to why he liked her in the first place.

"Shall we head to class together?" Irene asked.

Taehyung just simply couldn't miss this opportunity, so he didn't hesitate when he said 'yes'.


kim jisoo ; 13 years old

She was very tired from studying for their pop quiz in History.

Her eyes just couldn't stay open as she listened to Lisa's rants about why unicorns should exist. Jisoo found it funny, the blonde could probably write a whole book about the topic.

"Hey, are you even listening Chichi?" she heard Lisa question. Jisoo just nodded, gesturing the female to continue.

As the blonde continued on, Jisoo's eyes wandered off until it landed on an empty desk, it was Taehyung's desk to be in fact. She started avoiding the latter ever since he ditched her for her older sister. She was deeply hurt by what Taehyung did and couldn't bring herself to look at him in the eye.

The feeling of being betrayed was still lingering in her heart, yet she couldn't bring herself to hate him. Jisoo would eventually forgive Taehyung sooner or later, but the scar in her heart would still remain.

But it seemed a new wound surfaced once again.

Jisoo's heart dropped upon seeing Taehyung and Irene entering the classroom with smiles plastered on their faces. She suddenly felt angry, it was like they were mocking her and she didn't like it one bit.

Lisa also stopped ranting, noticing the change of mood in Jisoo's face. She was about to ask what was wrong until she was cut off by the sounds of squealing females, cheering for the pair.

"Oooh~ looks like we have a new couple!" Nayeon teased. Nayeon was the vice-president of their class and is awfully close to Irene, so Jisoo wasn't quite surprised when the female started teasing them.

Taehyung looked quite shocked and his face turned beet red, he didn't reply as he walked to his desk. He silently prayed that Jisoo didn't see his face because he knew that the girl might tease him, plus Jisoo was Irene's little sister.

Jisoo tried her very best not to cry. She didn't want to cause a scene and embarrass herself, and she certainly didn't want everyone to nickname her 'crybaby' for the rest of her life. (*coughs* Melanie Martinez *coughs*) Thankfully, Lisa was there.

"I ship TaeRene~" she heard Seulgi - one of Irene's best friends - teased.

Jisoo scoffed. 'They have a pairing name now?' she thought. She just glanced outside, blocking her mind from the painful reality. Little did she know that Taehyung was staring at her as the teasing continued.

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