13 | new guy?

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taehyung ; 16 years old

He was quite nervous right now.

Surely this wasn't the first time he spent a whole day with Irene, yet he could feel the butterflies in his stomach just by the thought of her arriving. Taehyung looked around, seeing if there were any signs of the girl.

"Taehyung, have you contacted Irene already?" Jihyo asked, approaching the brunette. He shooked his head in response.

The black-haired female sighed, "Contact her please, we don't want to be delayed with our schedule." Jihyo said before going back to their other classmates - who were also part of the cast.

Just as Taehyung decided to pull out her phone, a female voice called out to him.


He turned and spotted Irene, running towards him. As she ran closer, heat rose up to his cheeks and he suddenly couldn't breathe; that was probably the effect of her smile.

"Am I late?" she asked, looking around for any more familiar faces.

Taehyung blushed, "Well... You were a few minutes late. Jihyo was beginning to get anxious whether you were coming or not." he replied.

Irene just smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry about that. I was helping my mum with the groceries when I remembered."

Jihyo then came, interrupting the moment between them. "Irene! Thank goodness, I thought you weren't going to come." she then glanced at Taehyung before her eyes widened, "Woops... Did I just ruin a moment between Romeo and Juliet?"

Irene's cheeks went from pale to a shade of pink. She shook her head, "N-no... You didn't Jihyo.." she stammered.

The class rep. just laughed and ushered the both of them to come with her. "Let's start now, the rest of the cast are waiting."


Jisoo couldn't help but feel like she should abandon Lisa as soon as possible; as soon as she showed up with Jinyoung by her side, the blonde turned from chill to overprotective mother duck.

"Who are you and why are you following my Chichu?" Lisa asked, nearing the black-haired man.

Jisoo sighed, "Lisa, this man is Jinyoung... He decided to treat me after helping him in saving a little girl's kite." she explained.

Lisa turned to Jinyoung and eyed him suspiciously, "I am keeping an eye on you." she said, giving him the 'I am watching you' gesture.

Jinyoung then glanced at Jisoo, "So.. Did you think of what you wanted to eat?" he asked.

"I am in the mood for some chicken right now.." Jisoo said as she could feel her mouth water at the thought of having the crunchy piece of heaven in her mouth.

Lisa laughed, "Nothing beats your love for chicken, huh?"


Taehyung and the others were walking inside a fast-food chain. Since it was nearly lunchtime, the group decided to take a break and satisfy their hunger before they resume their little shopping spree again. Right now, Irene and he are currently looking for a table while the rest of the crew were lining up back at the cashier to order.

He then spotted a vacant area and called Irene over so that she could sit down. The girl walked over to him and sat down at the corner, placing their supplies right under the table.

Taehyung then glanced at Irene, "W-What do you want to e-eat? You k-know I could order for y-you.." he stammered.

The girl was taken aback by his sudden question, but she managed to reply. "A burger would do just fine Taehyung.." her tone meek and soft.

The brunette nodded before walking away from the table.


The line surprisingly wasn't that long, which made Taehyung happy. He didn't want to make Irene wait that long. As soon as he stepped in line, a familiar black-haired female walked in the fast-food chain.

He then recognized that it was his best friend Jisoo, however the person standing next to her made him slightly uncomfortable; his eyes widened upon realizing that Jisoo was standing next to a boy. Taehyung knew for a fact that the girl was too shy to get along with anyone, which explains why she was only acquainted with Lisa and him.

But looking at how Jisoo is smiling around him, he could already tell that his best friend has acquired a new friend. And seeing this gave him a weird feeling in his stomach because Taehyung now knows...

..he isn't the only one. He isn't the only male friend in Jisoo's life.

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