04 | lalisa

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kim jisoo ; 12 years old

Sometimes she'd wonder, why was life so cruel to her?

It felt like the whole world was against her existence, as if she has done something wrong. She has always tried to be kind, why can't life do the same?

Jisoo glanced at Taehyung, who was diligently taking notes. She just stared at the brunette, taking in his features; his neatly combed brunette hair, his perfect nose, his bright brown eyes, almost everything about him was perfect.

He'll definitely make lots of friends with that face, which gave Jisoo more reasons to be afraid of losing him. She didn't want to be surrounded by groups of friends and feel like a lonely petunia in an onion patch.

Jisoo sighed and opened her notebook. Instead of seeing notes and science facts, you'll see dozens of scribbles and doodles. She flipped to a perfect, blank page. Jisoo then began doodling to pass the time - and hopefully, Mr. Kwon won't catch her this time.


"For your homework, I want you to write an essay about the Bergeron-Fiendelsein process. It is to be passed on Friday. Have a wonderful lunch kids." and with that, Mr. Kwon walked out of the classroom right before the bell rang.

Whilst the room was filled with chatter and laughter, Jisoo was quietly packing her supplies into her bag, unbeknownst of a figure walking towards her desk.

"Chichu~" Taehyung cooed, ruffling the young girl's hair.

Heat rose up to Jisoo's cheeks at Taehyung's touch. Usually, she'd push off the latter's hand off of her smooth, silky hair, but today was different.

The brunette noticed Jisoo's change of reaction and he immediately stopped what he was doing. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, leaning closer to Jisoo.

The young girl just looked away and shook her head. "Ani, I'm fine Taehyungie.." she mumbled.

Taehyung just smiled then noticed Irene waiting right outside the classroom. He then looked at Jisoo, "I'll be going with Irene-ssi this lunchtime, she'll be giving me a tour around the campus."

Jisoo's smile was immediately replaced with a frown. "Ah, so we won't have lunch together?" she asked, looking at Taehyung with a glint of sadness in her eyes.

The brunette felt bad. He really wanted to have lunch with his best friend, but he couldn't simply turn down the request of the class president.

"Don't be like that Chichu. I promise I'll eat with you tomorrow." He said and stuck his pinky out.

Jisoo looked at him, then at the pinky. She smiled and intertwined her pinky with his. "That's a promise," she said.

She then watched as Taehyung ran out of the classroom, leaving her alone once again.


The cafeteria was packed with teenagers, both juniors and seniors. Jisoo felt awkward as she was walking in the sea of packed lunch tables. Every once in awhile, she'd earn dirty glares from her fellow peers. She wasn't quite loved in this school after all.

Seeing that there was no vacant table, Jisoo decided to take her lunch outside, but that was until she saw someone sitting at the farthest table. The person was immediately identified as Lalisa Manoban, the Thailand transfer student.

The brown-haired female was happily eating her ramyeon despite looking like a loner. Jisoo was hesitant about approaching her, but it changed when she heard her stomach grumbling.

Looks like I have no choice then.


"May I sit here?"

Lisa looked up and saw Jisoo with a tray of food. Being the polite person she is, Lisa smiled and nodded; she gestured Jisoo to take the space beside her.

"Sure, you can sit beside me. It was getting pretty lonely here." Lisa said and continued eating.

Jisoo stared at Lisa before going back to her own lunch. She took the first bite of her bibimbap and noticed the look on Lisa's face.

"Do you want to try?" Jisoo asked, gesturing to the Korean dish.

Lisa immediately shook her head and went back to eating her ramyeon. Jisoo smiled and pushed the bowl closer to Lisa, "You can have some of my bibimbap, I can't really finish this all." she said.

Lisa was hesitant at first, but that was until she saw the genuine smile on Jisoo's face when she offered a piece of her lunch. She slowly went in and took some beef; Lisa didn't waste any time and plopped the protein in her mouth. She slowly chewed and savored the taste.

"Ah~ it tastes so good!" Lisa exclaimed, she then glanced at Jisoo, "Thank you... uh... uh.."


Lisa paused, then grinned at Jisoo. "Thank you Jisoo."

And that was the start of another friendship.

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