11 | "i'm not his juliet"

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

"Everyone, pay attention!" Jihyo shouts whilst banging her hand on the teacher's desk. The whole classroom soon fell into silence and everyone's eyes were on the girl behind the wooden desk. She then smiled proudly before pulling out a paper that she got from their adviser.

"As you all know, our school will be holding a festival in a few weeks." Jihyo began, "Which means that we'll have to come up with an event or some sort of act to raise money." she paused and wrote something on the board;


"And as the class representative, I would like to hear your suggestions." Jihyo said as she turned to face the class. Numerous hands raised as they were chanting lots of events and acts that they could probably pull off, but a few were quite... odd.

Lisa giggled, nudging Jisoo's shoulder. "Some of the suggestions are funny.." the blonde said, pertaining to the fellow who suggested that the class should do a clown make-up booth.

Jisoo could only nod in agreement as she watched poor Jihyo being buried in dozens of suggestions. She also had a suggestion, a very good one, but she highly doubt that the class representative would notice her.

"Jisoo~" Jihyo hollered out.

She turned her head and saw that everyone was staring at her, perhaps waiting for her to say something. "Do you have any suggestions?" Jihyo asked whilst holding the whiteboard marker in one hand.

Jisoo hesitated, afraid that they'll make fun of it. But she has grown tired of all the ridiculous and cliché booths and acts her classmates were suggesting, so she decided to speak up. "How about a play?" she asked.

Everyone was silent for awhile as some turned their heads to the class representative; waiting for Jihyo's response. The female then nodded in agreement and listed 'play' on one of the suggestions.

"I like that idea Jisoo." Jihyo commented before walking to the teacher's desk. "Alright! It seems like we are full of suggestions, it's time to pick which one should we do."

Almost all of the class voted for Jisoo's idea, and the black haired female couldn't be more glad that the majority of the class agreed with her idea. It even made her heart flutter to see Taehyung in favor of doing a play.

"Well then it's decided!" Jihyo exclaimed happily, encircling Jisoo's suggestion on the board. "We'll have to do a play."

Lisa nudged Jisoo's shoulder (again) whilst wiggling her eyebrows, "So you've been wanting to do a play for awhile?" the blonde inquired.

Jisoo nodded, "I have always thought of being an actress when I grow up.." she mumbled whilst fiddling with her fingers.

Lisa then hugged her, "Aaahh~ you're so cute when you talk about your dreams!" she teased.

Jisoo laughed before gazing out the window. "I wonder what will be our plot." she whispered to herself.


Night time eventually came, and it was time for everyone in the Kim household to retreat to their respective bedrooms to sleep; however, Jisoo was still up and texting on her phone.

for once, i am actually
tired of chatting with

chichu 🐣:
the feeling is

haha.. ihy~
i'll be going to bed

chichu 🐣:
aww, ihy too~
sweet nightmares!

goodnight you witch

chichu 🐣:
hush now my child~

Jisoo chuckled as she decided to exit her recent conversation with Lisa. She then looked at the time and decided it was time for her to sleep as well, but just as she plugged in her charger, her phone notified her about receiving a new message;

'you got a new message from taehyungie 💕'

She couldn't help but silently squeal as she looked to see who sent her the message. But before Jisoo could check the message, she buried herself under the bed sheets to get all cozy. Once she was comfortable enough, she clicked on the message;

taehyungie 💕:
is my chichu sleeping already?

chichu 🐣:

taehyungie 💕:
oh? well that's odd,
you usually go to sleep
around nine.

taehyungie 💕:
is something troubling you?

chichu 🐣:
message not sent

chichu 🐣:
nope, not at all

taehyungie 💕:
well i hope you aren't
lying to me.. anyways,
jihyo has decided on
the plot; she'll be telling
everyone the details on our
break tomorrow.

chichu 🐣:
really? that's great!
we can get started

taehyungie 💕:
yeah. jihyo really liked
your idea so she started
searching for some stories

taehyungie 💕:
oh! and i also liked your idea.

chichu 🐣:
thanks, i thought it
would be a good way to
showcase the wonderful
acting of the future generation's
actors and actresses~

taehyungie 💕:
whatever (──)

taehyungie 💕:
anyways, we should be
sleeping by now.

taehyungie 💕:
nighty night

chichu 🐣:
night, tae.


Jihyo stumbled inside the classroom with a box filled with papers. Irene then followed as she carried another box filled with other supplies.

Jihyo clapped her hands, gaining everyone's attention; "Alright! It seems like everyone is here, let's get straight to the point." she paused as she walked to the front of the teacher's desk while holding a piece of paper. "I went straight to work once our event has been decided and I have decided to go with the typical 'Romeo and Juliet' play because it is quite simple, however we will have twists here and there.."

Jihyo then pointed to Irene who was holding a box filled with papers, "The pieces of paper are filled with information about the play. The script is yet to be made, however the cast has been selected already." Jihyo stated before gesturing Nayeon (the class secretary) to continue.

Nayeon then stepped forward as she held a piece of paper in her hand. "We'll be starting with the two important roles, Romeo and Juliet." she began and read the cast out loud;

"The ones who will act as the star-crossed lovers will be the power couple of this class! Kim Taehyung and Kim Irene!"

And at that moment, Jisoo has probably lost all her will to live.

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