23 | jinyoung vs. taehyung?

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

A smile was plastered on her face, seeing that the school festival has finally opened its doors for all visitors. Cheers were heard from the gates as the guards and students welcomed the public with warm smiles. Seeing this made Jisoo happy yet nervous at the same time.

With each person stepping inside the school's gates, she could feel her heart beating faster and faster. Not only was this the first day of the school festival, but it was also the day when they will perform the play they have been practicing for days. Jisoo took in a deep breath a faced her classmates, who were all quite busy with checking the equipment and costumes.

"The play will go well, Chichu.."

The deep voice startled Jisoo, causing her to jump a bit. She turned and her eyes widened when she saw Taehyung standing right beside her.

"Y-Yeah.. It definitely will." She mumbled and looked down whilst fiddling with her fingers.

Silence soon followed as the two didn't dare to speak, and it stayed like that for a minute until Taehyung began to speak.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked, fixing his gaze to Jisoo.

She slowly nodded, still avoiding his gaze as she answered. "You sang me to sleep, right?" Jisoo mumbled as she unconsciously smiled at the thought of his deep voice singing for her.

"Was that all?" He asked.

That's when the brunette have successfully captured Jisoo's attention as she immediately turned her head to him and gave the boy a confused look. "What do you mean by that Taehyung?" she asked.

Taehyung was taken back by the girl's answer, he thought that she heard what he whispered over the phone last night. Turns out she fell asleep by the time he did so.

He chuckled and ruffled Jisoo's hair. "Never mind, just don't think about it anymore." Taehyung said before walking away, leaving Jisoo confused.


Jisoo yelled in glee as she saw the black haired male approaching the group. She thought that it'd be great if the male could hang out with them; it had been awhile since they've last met and honestly she was beginning to miss the Jinyoungd's presence. And besides, the play wouldn't start until the afternoon.

Jinyoung smiled as he waved at Jisoo and her group - Taehyung and Lisa. He glanced at the girls before looking at the brunette, however he immediately averted his eyes away from him as he noticed the death glare the brunette was giving him, though he decided to just brush it off.

"Hello Jisoo, Lisa." Jinyoung said, giving each of the girls a high five. He then glanced at Taehyung, "Hey dude!" he stated in a casual manner as he gave the brunette a handshake.

Jisoo could smell the tension between the two males as their skin came into contact with one another. She felt uncomfortable at the vibes she was getting so she decided to loose the tension a bit;

"Let's have fun, shall we?"


Jisoo mentally facepalmed as she watched the brunette singing his heart out on one of the karaoke stands in the festival. Though his voice sounds heavenly, his song choice was quite.. interesting.

"OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!" he yelled before doing the iconic dance move. Jisoo found is super embarassing whilst Lisa and Jinyoung found it super funny, only hyping up the young man's spirit.

As the song ended, Taehyung walked back to the crowd and smiled as if he didn't just embarrassed himself.

"How was my performance Chichu?" He asked, pulling Jisoo close to him.

'What in the world is he doing? Irene could misunderstand the whole situation!' Jisoo thought as she awkwardly took a step back from the brunette.

"That was awesome Taehyung, you even attracted a crowd!" Jisoo exclaimed happily, pointing out the dozens of visitors who gathered just to see him, some even went in and tried the karaoke stand in an attempt to top his performance.

His cheeks flushed red when the young girl praised him and shyly looked down. "T-Thanks."

Lisa then barged in, saying that they should get something to eat before continuing with their fun day.

Jisoo immediately nodded in agreement. "I say we go eat chicken!" She exclaimed happily as she dashed through the pathway of stalls.

"Grow up Chichu, you've had enough chicken." Lisa stated whilst nudging the pouting Jisoo.

They have decided to go grab some ramyeon instead and Jisoo had no choice but to hold back her craving for the crispy skin of the chicken.

She let out a groan before sinking into her seat whilst crossing her arms. "Chicken would've energized me." Jisoo stated.

"We can't let you have chicken all the time Chichu, you know it's bad for your health." Taehyung stated as he set down the tray on the table before sitting down right across Lisa.

Jisoo sighed as she gazed upon the ramyeon in front of her. She acted like a spoiled brat in front of her friends and she wouldn't want to be labelled as the spoiled brat in the squad. So she sucked it up and picked up the chopsticks.

"Thanks for the meal~"

Just as she was about to dive right in, a plate with two pieces of chicken on top was placed right in front of Jisoo. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up to see Jinyoung smiling down at her.

"Let her have atleast two pieces, we can't have her whining all day now." Jinyoung stated before sitting right across Jisoo.

"Jinyoung is the best!" Jisoo exclaimed happily. And whilst the girl was celebrating, her two other friends were watching closely.

Taehyung gave Jinyoung a death glare before glancing at Lisa. The blonde smirked and whispered,

"You need to step up your game, otherwise someone is going to snatch her from you."

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