08 | "i'm sorry"

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kim jisoo ; 14 years old

'you received a new message from taehyungie 💕'

She raised her eyebrow, curious as to why her best friend spared her a text message. So she picked up her phone from her study table, tapping a few times on the screen in order to see the message;

are you just going to be like this
to me?

Jisoo blinked her eyes as she slightly tilted her head upon seeing the message, his sentence seemed rather dramatic and it looked like he had gotten into a fight with someone. Perhaps Taehyung sent this to the wrong person, so she quickly typed up a reply.

chichu 🐣:
maybe you messaged the wrong
person taehyung.

taehyungie 💕:
nope, I am pretty sure that the
message was sent someone
named 'kim jisoo'.

Jisoo's eyes widened. She didn't want to reply since all those months of avoiding Taehyung would go to waste; the walls that she built herself when she was around him were slowly crumbling down all because Taehyung wanted to converse with her. Ignoring the text message would be extremely rude and quite useless since she knew that the brunette was persistent, so Jisoo had no choice.

chichu 🐣:
what do you mean?

taehyungie 💕:
are you really just going to keep
ignoring me jisoo?

chichu 🐣:
ignoring you? since when?

taehyungie 💕:
ever since i didn't go to our
day out together. i know i have
forgotten but i know i apologized as
well. did i do something wrong?

chichu 🐣:
have you really forgotten
what day it was on that very
message not sent

chichu 🐣:
no, you didn't do anything
wrong taehyungie :)

chichu 🐣:
i understood why you
have forgotten, you had fun with
my sister right?

taehyungie 💕:
i did :) she is really fun to
be with.

chichu 🐣:
is that so? am i not
fun to be with anymore?
message not sent

taehyungie 💕:
but let's not stray from the topic,
you have been ignoring me and
you never told me why.

chichu 🐣:
it's because you ditched
me for my sister on our
third-year friendsary.
message not sent

chichu 🐣:
it's because i have grown
to like you more as a friend
message not sent

chichu 🐣:
it's because you cut a deep wound
in my heart when you ditched me for
someone else.
message not sent

chichu 🐣:
i was busy doing other things,
you know how the music club
is looking for recruits and i have yet
to audition.

taehyungie 💕:
even during lunch breaks?

chichu 🐣:
yeah. i'm so sorry if i made
you worried. anyways, i have to rest
my eyes now nighty night tae

taehyungie 💕:
awwie, it's alright my chichu~
nighty night then~ rest well~~

chichu 🐣:
and i'm sorry if i'll continue
to ignore you again...
message not sent

The next morning, Jisoo woke up to a tear-stained pillow.

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