15 | raindrops & heartaches

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

taehyungie 💕:
chichu, i went ahead with
your sister irene. we had to
take care of something plus
she didn't have an umbrella
i'll make it up to you, i promise

chichu 🐣:
stop promising
tae, it's going to
hurt me more.
message not sent

Jisoo sighed, looking at the previous message with a heavy heart; the rain started pouring down when she finally made it out of the school building. She actually hoped for Taehyung to take her home this time, guess she was wrong. It had been months since the brunette walked her home; they stopped doing it once Irene came in the picture.

However she couldn't blame her sister though, Irene had always been the best between the two; it was already decided since birth. Her older sister was always the one who'd gain friends and could probably snatch Jisoo's friends anytime if she could. Guess she had done the same to Taehyung.

Speaking of the brunette, Jisoo did not get over the hug and the words whispered in her ear that day. But it seemed like the warm feeling of that memory was slowly fading away.

It was very clear to Jisoo that Taehyung would choose Irene over his bestfriend, the person who stood by his side through thick and thin. This wasn't the first time it happened anyways.

chichu 🐣:
it's okay taehyung.
i understand :)

Jisoo put her phone away and looked at the road that was flowing with water; she had no choice but to get soaked under the rain. Taehyung wouldn't come back for her and she knew that.

Jisoo did not hesitate and started running across the street whilst covering her head with her bag.


Her feet grew tired when she decided to stop right outside the doors of a café. Jisoo had been running from the rain for approximately thirty minutes straight and she was beginning to grow tired from the feeling of water soaking her socks. (honestly this is the worst feeling ever)

Jisoo pressed her back against the cemented wall and slowly slid down to the cold, wet sidewalk. She didn't care if people were looking at her weirdly or if people thought that she is crazy, the girl was too tired to give a damn.

She then glanced at the gray sky as it continued to pour down raindrops. As she stared longer at the sky, a very wonderful memory replayed in her mind.

'I missed you Chichu~'

Jisoo let out a raspy chuckle as her hands slowly slid up to her chest, landing on the spot where she could feel her heart breathing. Her lips then curved into a bitter smile, "Was that just another lie?" she asked to no one particular as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Her heart was aching, she thought that it stopped beating for a second at the thought of Taehyung smiling happily with someone else. It was clear now, her heart ached for her best friend and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Jisoo sighed again and stood up, wiping her tears - that seemed to have camouflaged with the rain drops on her face. As she turned her heels to start walking, she immediately came into a stop when she was face to face with someone familiar.

"Jin...young.." was all she said before her consciousness faded to black.

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