16 | sick days

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kim taehyung ; 16 years old

The guilt was slowly consuming him the next morning; abandoning his best friend under an awful weather probably wasn't the nicest thing he has done and he knew he shouldn't have done it. And to make him feel even more guilty, Jisoo was absent the next day.

Taehyung knew that the girl didn't have an umbrella judging by the face she made when it started raining yesterday, so he offered Jisoo a walk home since that's what best friends do. But somehow, he managed to ditch her for his little crush; oh the things he'd do for love. It probably was the worst thing he has done to Jisoo, and he felt bad about it.

"Chichu would be alright.. She's strong, right?" he mumbled, making an attempt to reassure himself that Jisoo would be fine and not in some sort of danger; however, it wasn't enough. Taehyung wanted reassurance from someone else, so when Lisa entered the classroom, he did not hesitate and straight up walked in front of the blonde girl.

Lisa looked up at him with curiosity and asked, "Do you need something Taehyung?"

"Is Jisoo okay? Did she message you or anything?" Taehyung asked, hoping for a positive answer from her.

Lisa nodded and took out her phone. "She said that she caught a cold after running around in the rain yesterday." she said with a hint of worry in her tone.

Taehyung looked down, "Thanks Lisa.." he mumbled before turning his heels and heading back to his chair.

He'll definitely drop by for a visit.


kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She couldn't remember what exactly happened yesterday; however, she could still recall the memory of her collapsing on the streets and a silhouette of a person carrying her home.


He was the second male that she got acquainted with besides Taehyung; meeting him was probably fate playing with them again, though she was actually glad that she knew someone like him. Judging by his looks alone, Jinyoung appeared to be a reliable guy. Jisoo wasn't wrong about that; the man carried her all the way home without a single scratch on her face.

However she couldn't help but think,

Since when did she tell Jinyoung her address?

Jisoo just shook her head. There was no way that Jinyoung was an obsessed stalker; if he were then she would've been tied under a basement or something like that. She pushed that thought away; she'd ask him questions if they ever meet again.

She was walking out of her bedroom when she heard noise. Jisoo immediately grabbed her slipper as a 'weapon for defense' before she slowly tiptoed her way to the source of the sound - which happened to be in the kitchen.

Jisoo pressed her back against the cold wall and looked the ceiling, mentally preparing herself to attack whoever was rummaging through the kitchenware. She let out a deep sigh before making a swift turn while raising her 'weapon'.

Her eyes were closed shut as her slipper collided with a human being then there was a thud followed by a loud groan, which is a sign that the person was down; however, Jisoo didn't stop her 'assault' as she continued swinging her slipper aimlessly.

"Jisoo! Stop that!"

That voice...

Jisoo stopped whatever she was doing and slowly opened her eyes, seeing Jinyoung down on the cold floor. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, dropping her slipper before scrambling to help the male get back up.

Once Jinyoung was on his feet, Jisoo immediately did a 90° bow; "I'm so sorry! I heard noises from the kitchen and immediately assumed that it was a robber so I had to defend myself." she rambled before raising her head to meet the male's eyes.

Jinyoung chuckled, finding the younger female cute. "It's alright Jisoo. But damn," he paused and smirked at the girl, "You sure can hit like a man." he joked, earning a slap on the shoulder.

"Yah! It's not funny, I was scared..." Jisoo said and suddenly paused at the sudden realization, "Don't you have classes too?" she asked.

Jinyoung scratched the back of his neck, as if he was shy to admit. The lad started mumbling, though Jisoo couldn't quite make out the words he was saying so she politely asked if he could repeat it once more.

"I just wanted to take care of you, Jisoo.."

Jisoo swore she could see his cheeks turning red.


The sun was starting to set by the time Taehyung reached Jisoo's house. He muttered curses at the people who slowed him down; he would've arrived earlier if the taxi driver paid attention to the road. The brunette was about to knock on the door when he heard giggling; the female giggle was definitely Jisoo, but what startled him was that there was a male's voice that followed.

He couldn't explain how his stomach churned at the thought of Jisoo with someone else, perhaps Taehyung was already used to being the only guy friend of hers. After seconds of thinking whether or not he should knock, the front door suddenly opened and he was face to face with Jinyoug.

The dark haired male looked rather surprised upon seeing Taehyung. Jinyoung didn't expect him to come now that it was nearly time for supper; then again, he was Jisoo's best friend.

"Oh, hey Taehyung. Did you come to visit Jisoo?" Jinyoung asked.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, I heard she got sick so I had to come and see if my Chichu was doing well." He explained, emphasizing the 'my'. 'What in the world are you even saying?'

Jinyoung just smiled and stepped aside, giving way for the brunette to enter. "Jisoo is fast asleep in the living room, be careful not to wake her up." he instructed, watching Taehyung slowly walking inside.

"I'll be heading home now, see yah Taehyung." Jinyoung said, leaving Jisoo under Taehyung's care.

As the brunette made his way to the living room, he couldn't help but wonder what made him sound so possessive back there; Taehyung had no idea where did 'my Chichu' came from. He just had the strong urge to notify Jinyoung that Jisoo was his best friend and that he (Jinyoung) couldn't simply replace him. (lmao u sure about that best friend thing taetae?)

Taehyung stopped in his tracks when he saw Jisoo's sleeping figure on the couch; a blanket was wrapped around her body and a drenched towel was on her forehead. The television was still turned on as it continued to play an anime entitled 'Assassination Classroom'. Judging by her position, the girl fell asleep while watching.

Taehyung chuckled, finding Jisoo's sleeping face adorable. He was sitting down on the floor, right beside the couch where the girl is currently sleeping on. His chin rested on his palm as he admired Jisoo's features.

He was glad, seeing Jisoo fine and all. Taehyung then glanced at the girl's hand; he slowly reached out to it as he intertwined his hands with hers. He then brought her hand close to his lips, landing a small peck on her hand.

"I'm so sorry Chichu.. For doing this to you."

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