12 | a day at the park

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She felt like dying right now.

Jisoo glared at the blank sheet of paper before angrily throwing it to the other side of the bedroom. Writing the whole script of the play was just as terrible as witnessing 'TaeRene' becoming the official power couple of the whole class. She was basically forced to plan out the love story of Taehyung and Irene, which would be identical to the classical Romeo and Juliet plot except with a few twists here and there.

"Please kill me right now.." Jisoo groaned as she grabbed her phone to the text Lisa.

chichu 🐣:
unicorn princess

chichu 🐣:
yah! are you there?

chichu 🐣:
Mrs. jeon lalisa!

you did not just do
that unnie.

chichu 🐣:
there you are

chichu 🐣:
anyways, please
save me from

aren't you the
one who'll make
the script?

you shouldn't
be bored by that.

chichu 🐣:
well i am different
unicorn princess...

chichu 🐣:
now please,
save meeee

ask taehyung

chichu 🐣:
he is probably busy
discussing with jihyo, irene
and others...

Are you jealous?

chichu 🐣:
screw you.


anyways, where
do you want to go?

chichu 🐣:
ily now
i will marry you

ew. stahp that.

chichu 🐣:
srsly if you were
male then i'd totally
have a crush on you.

chichu 🐣:
but anyway, let's go grab
some ice cream and have
a nice walk around the park.

chichu 🐣:
it is a pretty good day
to go outside and enjoy
nature's beauty.

ew. since when
did you love nature?

all i know is that your
lazy ass refuses to camp

anyways, you better
start preparing.

chichu 🐣:
hehe, alright


"It's been a while since we've hung out like this Soo.," Lisa said.

The two were sitting down on one of the many benches in the park while enjoying their chocolate ice cream - as stated by Jisoo, both of them were 'choco soulmates'.

Jisoo hummed in response, "Yeah... It has been quite a while.." she muttered, "The last time we hung out was when you, me and Taehyung were invited to that one pool party." she then smiled upon recalling that memory; the three of them were all so happy, swimming in the pool and pulling pranks on their fellow peers. She missed doing things with Taehyung; he has been spending a lot of time with Irene nowadays since the two are the main leads in their play.

As Jisoo stared at the distance, her ice cream began melting as it slowly ran down the cone. Lisa noticed it and immediately tapped the older's shoulder, "Unnie... Your ice cream is melting."

When Jisoo realized it, a drop from the ice cream stained her newly washed white t-shirt. She groaned whilst standing up, handing the almost melted chocolate ice cream to Lisa.

"I'll get this stain off. Don't you dare go anywhere." Jisoo said before rushing to the nearest restroom.


Jisoo walked out of the women's restroom. The choco stain was barely noticeable now and she felt a little bit relieved. And all that's left to do is to walk all the way back to the bench; it just so happens that the 'nearest' restroom happened to be located on the other side of the park.

"What a great way to spend a Saturday.." Jisoo muttered as she trudged down the sidewalk. As she made her way to the bench, she stumbled upon a quite interesting scene;

There was a young man who seemed to be climbing up the tree to grab the kite that got stuck. And on the foot of that very tree stood a girl, crying whilst looking up at the young man.

Being the kind person Jisoo was, she immediately rushed to help. "Is there anything I could do to assist?" she asked whilst approaching the scene.

The young man took a quick glance at Jisoo before turning back to focus on climbing, "No need for that.." he yelled before his right foot slipped. He struggled a bit before regaining his posture.

The tree wasn't that tall, Lisa could basically stand on a stool and grab that kite if she were here. Jisoo just had to help; the young man could probably get injured if she didn't help. So she looked around and spotted a pretty long stick, she grabbed it before approaching the tree.

Jisoo then started climbing, ignoring the protests of the young man. She eventually stopped, she wasn't quite high up but she might actually get the kite if she pushed it off with a stick. So she did that and a few seconds later the kite was now slowly falling down to the ground.

The cute girl cheered as she picked up her kite, she then thanked Jisoo before running off.

"Well, I was quite impressed."

Jisoo turned to see the young man who made an attempt to help the young girl. She smiled and said, "Why thank you.."

"The name's Jinyoung by the way." the man said as he flashed a smile at Jisoo.

Jisoo laughed before introducing herself, "Well I'm Jisoo.."

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