24 | one last time

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kim jisoo ; 15 years old

There were times when she thought that Lisa needed a good slap on the face. And right now, she sincerely wanted to do it because the level of stupidity in her little stunt was already at the max.

"Enjoy your time in there lovebirds~" Lisa happily chimed before the students closed their only escape route from this 'haunted' classroom. Jisoo mentally screamed as she realized that she and Taehyung were alone... in the dark.

Her cheeks flushed red as she thought of the many things that could happen in situations like this. But it wasn't long until her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Taehyung's deep voice.

"Should we go now?" He asked, slowly snaking his arms around Jisoo's waist.

Jisoo stiffened as she could feel her heart thumping against her chest. "Y-Yeah, we sh-should.." she stuttered.

Taehyung smiled at the girl's adorable gestures. He then intertwined Jisoo's small hand with his and gave it a good grip before tugging her to follow him.

"Don't let go of my hand Chichu, wouldn't want to lose you now." He said, making Jisoo's heart flutter.

She placed a hand on her chest to prevent herself from squealing in front of Taehyung. Everything was happening so fast that it seemed unreal that she could spend some time with him like this. Jisoo smiled, feeling blessed to have him by her side even though they would only be bestfriends. She should thank him for spending time with her when he should be with his girlfriend.

Jisoo's lips slightly parted as she was ready to say something when all of the sudden, she was pulled into Taehyung's warm embrace. She then felt his hands covering her ears. And seconds later, she heard the muffled screams of a 'dead' lady.

The screams lasted for only seconds so there was no need for Taehyung to cover Jisoo's ears anymore. She was quite shocked that her best friend would go this far to protect her from a silly masked human.

Jisoo giggled, finding Taehyung adorable. "You know, you don't have to protect me.. Things like these never scare me." she stated proudly whilst placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh Chichu" Taehyung smiled before kneeling in front of Jisoo, "A princess should always have her very own knight in shining armor."

"Good thing you made it back in one piece." Lisa teased, earning a playful smack on the back from Jisoo. The blonde winced in pain as she looked at the older with a 'what-did-i-do' look.

Jisoo smiled. "You know what you did~" she said in the sweetest tone she could pull of, though Lisa could sense a hint of anger in her words. But the blonde seemed to be remained unfazed by it as she suddenly started dragging Taehyung and Jisoo to different booths, leaving poor Jinyoung to follow them.

"I have the perfect booth for the both of you~" Lisa said. Jisoo gulped as her stomach churned, knowing well where she is being dragged to.

After minutes of being dragged by the younger, they finally stopped in front of a wedding booth. Jisoo's heart stopped the moment she saw the cursive letters at the front of the door. She immediately wriggled her hand out of Lisa's grasp.

"Nope nope nope, I am not going in there.." Jisoo said as she crossed her arms as a blush was visible on her face.

Lisa pouted. "Come on Jisoo-eonnie! Don't be such a party pooper~ This is just for fun!" the younger was about to grab Jisoo's hand once again but the older was quick enough to pull away.

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