19 | "is it over?"

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kim taehyung ; 16 years old

He didn't bother to greet his mother once he arrived home; it was quite weird of him to do that, he was usually the type to cherish his parents and shower them with love and respect. Though today, it seemed like Taehyung had completely lost himself. He wasn't thinking straight; everything seemed to be a complete blur to him except the unexpected event that happened in school.

Once he closed the door of his bedroom, Taehyung dropped his backpack onto the floor and hopped onto his bed, not even bothering to change his school uniform first. He let out a sigh and stared blankly at the white ceiling, contemplating and sorting out his feelings.

'The way Chichu reacted...' Taehyung thought, 'She'll start avoiding me.. I know it.'

He frowned at that thought. He simply hated to be ignored by the female again; those months of gathering the courage to talk to her again would all go to waste if Jisoo would go back to avoiding him. He valued their friendship so much since she was the first female friend he had. He groaned and rolled over to the right side.

Taehyung then slowly slid his hands up to his lips, grazing his fingertips on the spot where he could still feel the warmth of Jisoo's lips and he found himself smiling. What was he exactly feeling right now?

Never did he experienced this feeling when Irene was around him. Perhaps it was a change of mind; maybe he was only attracted to her and nothing more.

Sure Irene was nice and all; she was responsible, smart, friendly, and attractive but he really didn't get to know her that much unlike Jisoo. His lips curved into a smile at the thought of the girl.

Jisoo had always been right beside him even in his darkest days. She'd always try her best to cheer him up whenever he was feeling down. And he loved it when she did her aegyos for him despite cringing at the end.

And god how he missed the times where they'd walk home together after school. He could have a close-up of Jisoo's adorable smile; he absolutely loved it whenever her eyes showed happiness. As he continued to reminisce the memories he had with Jisoo, realization dawned on him.

All this time Taehyung thought that he was sure of his feelings towards Irene. He had been displaying affections towards the wrong person all this time. It shouldn't be Irene..

It should've been Jisoo all this time.


kim jisoo ; 15 years old

She let out a frustrated scream as soon as she entered her bedroom.

Her back was pressed against the wooden door as she slowly slid down to the floor whilst covering her mouth. Jisoo couldn't believe it, she had kissed the love of her life.  Normal teenagers would be jumping up and down and squealing around, but no.. she reacted quite differently.

Jisoo let out a muffled sobs as the tears have finally escaped her eyes; she badly wanted to cry the whole day in school.

"What have I done?" she croaked out as she ran her hands through her hair. Not only did she just kiss Taehyung, but she has probably destroyed their friendship; now he is aware of what she feels for him and was afraid to face him tomorrow.

Jisoo thought of the many negative reactions that Taehyung would make when they see each other tomorrow. He would be disgusted that someone like her holds feelings for him. She has never considered herself 'beautiful' in the first place since Irene would always be the one who would receive compliments when the two would stand beside each other.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung, I shouldn't have ran away.." she whispered to herself.

Was their friend ship really over?

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