03 | fate

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kim jisoo ; 12 years old

She didn't just hate school, she despises it.

If the story about the rabbit hole were true, then Jisoo would definitely jump in just so that she could enter wonderland and never have to worry about quizzes and projects. But unfortunately, those type of tales can never happen; they only exist to entertain the minds of young children.

Whilst she was sulking in the corner of the classroom, Jisoo glanced at Irene; she was laughing and genuinely smiling with her friends. She envied her sister and her perfect life. It seemed like her sister wasn't affected with the negative things about school, and Jisoo simply hated it.

Then the school bell rang and students immediately rushed to their seats.


"Alright class, before we tackle on a new topic.." Ms. Young paused and glanced at her students, "We'll be having two new students who'll join us for this school year."

As soon as Ms. Young mentioned about new students, the whole class seemed excited, even Jisoo. Whispers could be heard; students were guessing on what the newbies would look like.

Would they look cute? Average? Ugly?

Jisoo could care less about the appearance, she wanted to make friends with new people and possibly change her miserable school life.

Ms. Young then shushed the whole class as one figure entered the classroom. Jisoo's eyes widened when she identified the figure as her bestfriend, Kim Taehyung. Seeing him standing in front of the class made her slightly happy, but the fact that Irene is in the same class as well, she simply couldn't help but frown.

Ms. Young then noticed that one person was missing, so she glanced outside the classroom, only to see no one standing there. She then looked at Taehyung, "Were you standing alone?"

The brunette nodded.

"Funny, I though there would be two new students.." Ms. Young mumbled as she checked her paper, seeing if there were any mistakes.

"Never mind, go on and introduce yourse-"


Everyone stopped and looked at the figure who stood by the doorway. Jisoo decided to take a good look at the person; she had lovely brown locks, her body appeared to be skinny but she looked attractive nonetheless. But what caught Jisoo's attention was her face, she didn't look Korean at all. Perhaps a foreigner?

Ms. Young just gestured at the girl to come in. "Are you Lalisa Manoban?" the teacher asked. The girl - who was identified to be Lalisa - nodded and stepped inside the classroom and joined Taehyung in standing in front of the class.

"Alright.. You may start with the introductions.." Ms. Young said as she stepped aside.

The brown haired girl went first. She smiled, showing a row of milky white teeth. "Hello" she began, her voice slightly quivering at speaking in a foreign language, "I'm Lalisa Manoban, I'm eleven years old. My parents and I just recently moved from Thailand. I'm not quite familiar with the surroundings, so please take care of me!" she then bowed and smiled once again.

Jisoo couldn't help but smile as well, the girl's cheerfulness was contagious.

And now, it was Taehyung's turn.

He gave everyone a small wave, "Hello." he paused "I'm Kim Taehyung. Thirteen years old and from Daegu." he then ended his introduction with a bow. Taehyung then looked around the class until his eyes fell on Jisoo, who was quietly sitting at the corner of the classroom.


Jisoo noticed Taehyung's gaze. Her pale cheeks were now dusted in a light pink color and she could feel her heart pounding. She shyly waved at Taehyung and was surprised she didn't make a fool out of herself.

But their short moment was cut off when Ms. Young announced which seat Taehyung and Lisa would be sitting, and she couldn't believe her ears;

"Kim Taehyung, you'll be sitting beside our class president, Irene.."

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