05 | promises

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kim jisoo 12 years old

Soft knocking interrtupted her studying session. Then followed her sister's muffled voice, barely audible from the other side of the door, but Jisoo knew what Irene wanted to do.

"Sure, you can come in."

The white wooden then slowly opened, revealing Jisoo's older sister, Irene. The young female raised an eyebrow at the older as she averted her gaze from her homework.

It has been a long time since Irene entered the confinements of Jisoo's room, and standing inside gave the older a nostalgic feeling.

"You're done with your homework?" Irene asked, breaking the painful silence between them. Jisoo just shook her head in response.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Jisoo asked, finding Irene's visit a bit suspicious.

Irene froze, surprised that her younger sister could see through her motives. The older looked down and sat on the edge of Jisoo's bed, "Yeah.. It's about the boy." Irene paused, "Taehyung wasn't it?"

Jisoo's eyes widened upon hearing her best friend's name. "Yes, why are you asking about him?" she asked. She silently prayed to the gods that her sister wasn't interested in befriending Taehyung.

"It seems like you get a long with him quite well.." Irene began, "I envy how you have one true friend.."

Jisoo stayed silent, not believing anything that was coming from her sister's mouth. How come the tables have turned? Wasn't it supposed to be her who would envy Irene's perfect life.

"All those people around me, all those people who I call friends..." she paused, looking at Jisoo, "They never made me genuinely happy..."

The unexpected confession of Irene made Jisoo slightly uncomfortable, but nevertheless, she was speechless. She slightly shifted in her seat, "But.." Jisoo mumbled as her older sister stopped talking.

Jisoo looked at her older sister; a look filled with confusion was clearly plastered on her face. "I don't understand why you'd be jealous of me... My life is absolutely miserable compared to yours. Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"Miserable?" Irene questioned as she raised her brow at the younger.

Jisoo nodded and continued rambling. "I am constantly being bullied at school despite being your sibling, only a few people want my company, and not to mention, mum and dad have always picked you over me." she said. Her expression didn't change one bit as she continued talking about her miserable life.

It was Irene's turn to be speechless. She was completely oblivious about the events happening around the younger. She felt guilty. Guilty because she can't fill the role as a good big sister in Jisoo's life.

"I'm so sorry Jisoo.." Irene whispered, "I never knew.."

Jisoo just smiled. "It's okay, it was never your fault. I still wuv you~" she cooed as she failed miserably in imitating a child's voice.

Irene giggled, finding her little sister way too cute to handle. Jisoo then continued talking, "And I feel luck now that Taehyungie is in the same class as me." she said.

"You seem to be very fond of Taehyung-ssi.." Irene said. Jisoo just nodded in response. "Is it alright if I could hang out with you two starting tomorrow?" she asked.

Jisoo just stared at Irene, thinking whether it was a good idea for her older sister to hang out with her best friend. She knew that Irene and Taehyung can get a long too well, making her the third wheel in the friendship. So Jisoo came up with an idea;

"But promise me you won't steal Taehyungie from me.." Jisoo said as she pouted whilst looking at her older sister.

Irene was taken back by the sudden request, though she still agreed. "Sure Jisoo.. That's a promise." Irene said, as she pointed out her pinky.

Jisoo smiled as she intertwined her pinky with Irene's. This was a promise between two sisters.

But aren't promises meant to be broken?

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