10 | mistakes

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kim jisoo ; 14 years old

She couldn't wait to tell him about the excitement she felt upon seeing her English quiz results.

As soon as the school bell rang, Jisoo literally hopped out of her seat and rushed to Taehyung as she waved a piece of paper. "thank you~" she exclaimed happily and engulfed the older male into a warm hug.

Taehyung was taken aback by the sudden 'attack', but he eventually hugged back before Jisoo pulled away. He smiled and ruffled her soft black hair, "anything for Chichu~" he cooed.

Jisoo laughed before playfully smacking him on the shoulder as the heat rose up to her cheeks. She would get really embarrassed whenever Taehyung would casually use her nickname in public; it's not that she disliked it or anything, but she was quite concerned about how others would think.

Then their moment was suddenly disturbed by Lisa, who has been waiting for the two for about three minutes. "hey! all of the tables will be taken if you guys keep stalling." Lisa said, crossing her arms whilst tapping her foot against the floor.

'dang you Lisa..' Jisoo thought. She huffed and started heading out of the room with Taehyung.


"ah, so tired.."

Jisoo stretched her arms. She has been doing her Math homework for the past hour and she was nearly done, all she needed to do was to answer one more question. Just as she picked up her ballpen, the bedroom door suddenly opened and Irene's head slowly peeked in.

Jisoo looked back at her with an eyebrow raised. "is there something you need Irene?" she asked.

Irene smiled and nodded as she stepped into the bedroom. "I just wanted to talk to you, that's all.."

"what is it?" Jisoo asked before turning back to her homework. Irene sighed before sitting on her little sister's bed, "I'm not going to talk unless you're facing me." the older mumbled.

"I'll be listening, I just have to finish my homework.." Jisoo said as she continued solving away on her extra sheet of paper.

"Alright then.." Irene said as she grabbed one of Jisoo's stuffed animals and began hugging it. "you know... there's this guy I like.." Irene said, getting all excited at the thought of her small crush.

Jisoo just kept quiet, listening to every word that was coming out of her older sister's mouth.

"I started liking him after giving him a tour around campus.. he seemed to have everything I was looking for in a man.," Irene said as she fiddled with her fingers.

'okay, this sounds familiar..' Jisoo thought as she started writing down her solution on the answer sheet.

"He really is sweet, caring, and has a good sense of humor. not only that, but he is smart as well; he even taught me English.." Irene stated dreamily as she hugged the stuffed animal.

'he sounds WAY too familiar..' Jisoo thought. Her eyes then widened, realizing who her older sister was talking about;

"You know what? I'm just going to be frank with you..it's Taehyung."

And that's when Jisoo realized that Cupid was purposely trying to make her love life miserable.

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