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Her p.o.v:

"Come on princess you said you'll join the university which we choose to continue your last year of high school." Dad said.

"Dad, I said that. But now Aarav, Riya and Arjun are joining in the other university." I said.

"Okay then. We don't have any problem, but please take of care of yourself." Mom said.

"Okay, now can I go? I'm late for school." I said.

"Sure. Bye princess." Mom said and kissed my forehead.

"Bye sis." My younger sister Jiya piped from dinning hall.

"Bye every one." I said and went to the car along with dad.

My name is Samira Ahuliwalia daughter of karan Ahuliwalia and Kavya Ahuliwalia. I'm 17 years old, studying in last year of high school. Being daughter of richest family has its own perks. I'm princess of my family. I don't have many friends. I'm not a social person. I don't use Twitter, Facebook etc.

My dad is businessman, Mom is a housewife and my sis is studying in high school, first year.

My world consists of Mom, dad and sis along with my few friends Aarav, Riya and Arjun.

We are friends from 3rd grade. We are inseparable till now. That was just for me and not for them. But I don't know. I have a gut feeling that soon it is going to change from being inseparable with them.

My trance got broken by phone call.

"Hello Riya?" I questioned.

"Where the hell are you Sam?" She shouted from other side.

"I'm on my way. I'll reach within 10mins." I said and hung up.

When I reached there along with Riya, Arjun and Aarav were waiting for me. They entered car and we left towards our destination while dad handed car to Aarav for driving and he went in other car.

We entered college. He parked the car and we went to our class. When we entered class there was only one bench left in the last. So we sat there.

"Sam so are you ready to enter into the university next year." Aarav asked me.

"Yeah I'm excited and you?" I asked him.

"Me too. But I'm not interested next year. I'll take one year break." He said.

"Oh. So you will be free next year." I asked him.

"Yes. What about you?" He asked.

"I have my own plans and dreams to achieve." I replied.

We stopped talking when Mrs. Rose our English teacher entered.

"Good morning students. Today you have leisure. You can do whatever you want." Mrs. Rose said and left the room.

We continued talking till one girl interrupted our conversation. When I looked at her I realised that she was beautiful than me.

I feel like she is going to snatch away someone who is close to my heart. And that is definitely not acceptable.

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