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Samira's P.o.v:

Today dad arranged party as I came first with 98.5%. He called everyone including Aarav, Arjun, Riya along with their families. It has been two months since I saw him last because for one month I was busy studying and then my exams and during exams I completely avoided. So I don't know how I will react to him today but I just hope I can keep my emotions in check.

I wore red and black ball gown, leaving my hair loose with ends curling with single chain and diamond studs. I went downstairs when Dad announced I was coming.

"Ladies and Gentlemen a hearty welcome from myself and my family. Thank you for attending." Dad said and I walked downstairs with hand around bhai's arms as he was said to bring me down.

"This party was organised in the name of my daughter as she got first mark not only that but also she got accepted for higher studies in NYU university." Mom announced and everyone congratulated and all the while I felt his eyes on me but I ignored him.

Then time came where I needed to confront him at last but I want to avoid all the topics regarding this.

"Sam you didn't tell that you're going to NY and you're also avoiding me from last two months. What's the problem?" He asked.

"There is nothing like that. I'm not avoiding I was busy because of exams as they were important for me to join for NY university." I said controlling the rage that was in me like raging storm.

"Oh so are you gonna miss me there?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said without giving away anything.

"Sammy come its time for cake cutting for your success." Ishu said breaking our conversation for which I'm grateful to her because I'm not yet ready to confront them.

"Sure let's go." I said.

After that we had dinner everyone retired for night once again congratulating me and I thanked them.

Next morning I was at airport along with Amar and Alisha along with our families and bhai(jai) family who were bidding us goodbye as we are leaving for New York.

"Princess take care and contact us regularly okay?" Mom asked.

"I will take care of myself and I will be in contact with you people regularly Mom promise." I replied.

"Princess if you feel home sick come back immediately and you can join here and also we don't have to worry about you." Dad said.

"Dad if I feel home sick you people can come and visit me or else I will come visit you." I answered him.

"Sis can't you stay here and complete your studies please I don't want you to go." Babygirl said tears leaking from her eyes.

"Jiya I want to study there and not only that I want to leave my past here itself and want to start a new please understand." I said but last part was whispered.

"Okay Sis if that is you what you want and I promise I will study hard and will take care of Mom and Dad." She promised me.

"That's very good of you Babygirl but take care of yourself too." I said taking her into hug which she reciprocated too.

"Angel take care of yourself and call me everyday, we will miss you." Bhai said.

"I will bhai." I said kissing his cheek.

We got announcement to board our flight so we said our goodbye to everyone. Once we settled in flight. My last thought before flight take off was Aarav you're my past but not Future. But I will make you people regret for what you have done to me. Its my promise to you.

The End.

Started : July 13th ,2017
Ended : December 18th, 2018

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