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Samira's P.o.v:

When I reached my room after dinner. I started working on my study plans along with babygirl's. After an hour I completed both of us plans. Then I took my phone to call Ishu and Amar to talk in conference call to tell everything that happened.

"Hello Ishu, Amar." I greeted them.

"Sammy are you alright? You called at this hour?" Amar asked and once again tears started flowing from my eyes.

"I... I .... Can you both come here for tonight?" I asked them ignoring his question.

"Sammy we will be there in an hour." Ishu replied and they hung up.

After that I started removing everything related to Aarav or those both back stabbers and packed them to place on attic and by the time I completed Ishu and Amar were here and just Jiya to came my room. So I explained everything to them that happened today and to what I listened and by the end I was again crying.

"How dare he make my sister cry? And break her heart? I'm not going to leave him and I'm informing Mom and Dad." Jiya said moving towards door.

"Stop Jiya because of me I can't let dad break his friendship with Aarav's papa which is longer span than us. Please I'm requesting you and after two months I'm leaving to states along with these two so it doesn't matter." I said taking her in my embrace.

"Really it doesn't matter to you Samira?" Amar asked.

"Yes it doesn't matter to me anymore Amar because I want to move on from him maybe his love was never in my fate about Riya and Arjun well maybe they never felt me as their friend or something was wrong in me the way I treated them." I said lookin at them.

"Sammy I don't know what you are doing or why you're not confronting them but whatever it is we three I mean myself, Amar and Jiya will stay with you always. Its my promise." Ishu replied.

"Thank you and Jiya I don't want your friendship with Sara to effect this or your relationship with Aarav because I know you consider him as your brother we never had." I said to Babygirl.

"You said correct sis he was my brother not anymore because who ever hurt you will be nothing g but my enemy but I will not let that effect my friendship with Sara. I promise." She said and I smiled.

"So now shall we fill our applications to our NYU university?" Amar asked.

"Yeah Amar we can do but first look this revision plan so that if I need to do any changes I will and Jiya this is yours" I said handing him and Ishu each copy and Jiya hers.

"They are perfect." They said in unison and after that we three sat filled our applications while Jiya fell asleep which made me smile. After 20 mins we completed applying.

"Sammy tomorrow we need to college to inform professors about our holidays as well as to collect our certificates that are needed." Ishu said.

"Yeah we will leave at regular time like we use to do so that once we come back start our revision." I said.

"Sammy can you see them in front of you?" Amar asked and I sighed.

"I'm not going to lie to you both. It will hurt me deeply seeing them but I'm never going to look into past and I'm moving to future." I said with small smile while they gave me smile in return and then we retires to our room.


We entered college and went towards principal room to talk and to collect our certificates.

"Good morning Sir." We three greeted our principal Mr. Suraj.

"God morning Samira, Alisha and Amar come and have a seat." He said.

"Thank you Sir actually we are here to inform you that we three want to have self studies for exams and we won't attend high school any more." Amar said.

"Well Amar I don't see any problem in that because you people are capable of self-study." He said.

"Thank you once again Sir also we wanted our certificates as we applied to higher studies in states." I said.

"Okay I will collect them and your final certificate will come after 10 days of exams meanwhile collect remaining in reception in evening." He said.

"Yes Sir but my father or sister will come and collect all three ours." I said and he nodded told us to leave so we bid goodbye to him left.

"Guys I'm starving." Amar said.

"Me too." I said and Ishu stomach made itself known by rumbling which made us both laugh and her embrassed.

"Okay sorry come we will eat in cafe then we will leave to home and this last we will have here as a student." I said and they nodded.

As we was at the cafe entrance, I saw him kneeling in front of Anuhya. She became my mortal enemy the minute she entered my life. She snatched everything from me. She took away my friends, but most importantly my one and only best friend whom I loved so profusely.

"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." He said, she was smiling.

I felt the world crash in front my eyes. Listening to it is one thing but seeing is another thing.

"I can't live without you. Will you marry me once we finish studies?" He asked her.

"Yes! Yes! I would love to be Aarav." She replied

And then, witnessing the whole ordeal has my heart shattered.

How do you feel when the only boy you love and ever loved proposes to another girl in front of your very eyes? I definitely felt betrayed, shattered and... lost. I felt lost.

I immediately ran from there while Amar and Ishu followed me silently. I came home directly after dropping Amar and Alisha at their homes. I started pacing my room in frustration, anger, pain and mostly betrayal all the while tears were flowing from my eyes and I never tried to clean them and I'm relieved that Mom and Dad were not at house.

I took a decision that day to never trust Aarav again in my life and to show what type person he lost. Mr. Aarav Agarwal you Shattered Me and I will never truly Heal completely that is true but I will become a force that you can't reckon with. I promise you that I will make you regret for what you did to me.

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