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Samira's P.o.v:

We entered restaurant and he was still grumpy for what happened in trial room and I couldn't stop my laugh seeing his face so I was hiding my face behind menu card to place our order. Meanwhile a waiter approached us to take our order.

"Good evening Sir Madam what do you like to have? Are you ready to order?" He asked us.

"Yes we are ready to order." Aarav snapped at him and I glared at him in warning.

"Sorry about him and yes we are ready to order. For starters bring Tomato soup and Veg Manchuria and then butter roti with Kaju masala, for now bring them we will order once again later." I said, he nodded and went to place our order.

"Aarav what was that?" I asked him.

"Nothing and why do you care?" He asked and now I'm getting irritated.

"Aarav I'm sorry ok now happy but I was in fear what if someone came when we were inside?" I asked him.

"But I was there with you anyhow I think I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry." He said.

"Its okay." I replied smiling meanwhile our order came and we started eating.

"So Aarav are you going to continue studying or taking a break?" I asked him.

"I'm going to continue studying I took the decision and informed Mom and Dad and they were happy about that." He said.

"Oh its good did you think which college you're going to join because we have just one month more for final exams?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm thinking to join here business management college it is the best college present here
What about you?" He asked and I was feeling nervous about how I should tell them. Meanwhile we were interrupted by waiter and I took breath which I was holding.

"Mam your order please." He asked.

"Bring pander Biryani for rice item and for desert double chocolate ice-cream." Aarav replied and I nodded.

"Aarav I was thinking to take education in other country not here." I said and he was looking at me with wide eyes.

"You mean to say you're leaving us four years for studies?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes Aarav which university I still didn't decide but if I decide you will be first one to know." I said.

"Okay but if possible study here with me itself." He said and I was shocked he left topic to easily because how much I know about him he never let me leave his site but now easily he gave up the argument. I don't know but I'm getting a feeling which is not at all good. I came out of my musings when he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing shall we leave?" I asked him.

"Come, I will drop you at home then I will leave towards my home." He said and I nodded.

We reached my home in 45 mins. All the while my mind was on the topic we discussed in restaurant but I can't shake the feeling I'm getting but for now I ignored it.

"Come inside Aarav meet Mom and dad then go." I invited him into house.

"Not now Sam its already late it will not look good I will come some other time. Now you go inside." He said motioning towards door.

"Okay your wish. Good night Aarav." I said.

"Good night Sam." He wished me back kissing my forehead and I smiled.

When I entered inside Mom, Dad and Babygirl were waiting for me.

"Mom dad didn't you sleep yet?" I asked them.

"No princess actually we wanted to talk to you. So come and sit." Dad said.

"What is it you want to talk about dad?" I asked sitting beside Babygirl.

"Princess in one month your exes are going to start and you will be busy so we thought that family outing will be nice. So what do you think?" Dad asked me.

"Its a nice idea dad I don't have any problem." I said.

"Even Jai and his family will accompany us as you think him as your brother." Mom replied.

"Really then we are going to enjoy so much but when are we going dad?" I asked him.

"Princess we are going for four days from tomorrow, we will be back on Thursday." Mom replied.

"Aha four days far from noise and pollution I like it. But where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to village and this time dad restricted bringing our phones so that we can enjoy maximum." This time Babygirl replied excitedly and I laughed seeing her excitement.

"Cool." I replied.

"Okay honey, princess its late and now go and sleep." Mom SIA'S.

"Sure. Goodnight Mom and Dad." We said in unison.

"Goodnight kiddos." They replied.

I will message everyone before going and after coming I will contact them directly at school. I thought. While my phone rang showing bhai calling

"Hello princess." Bhai said.

"Hi bhai." I said.

"So are you ready to enjoy full for four with all of us?" Bhai asked.

"Yes bhai we all will do masti and will have a lot of fun." I said and he chuckled.

"Okay princess get good sleep and goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight bhai." I said and hung up.

After that I changed into night clothes went to sleep dreaming about my future with Aarav and my family we will have.

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