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Samira's p.o.v

"Baby doll what are you doing there?" Bhai asked me while I was showing his house around to others,

"Nothing Bhai I'm just showing around." I replied.

"Okay come and have your snacks. You people also come." Bhai said.

"So Angel what is happening in school?" Bhai asked Jiya.

She looked nervous while I was giggling and others were giving confused looks. Jiya was glaring me.

"Bhai some one proposed me in school to be his girlfriend." She replied looking here and there while I was trying stifling my giggling.

"Who is the person? Did you tell Samira about him?" Bhai asked her.

"What's happening here Sam?" Aarav asked me from beside.

"Just wait and watch Aarav. Here comes protective brother."I said looking towards them.

"You mean that he knows everything about you and Jiya and he behaves like your own brother?" Riya asked me while others are looking amused.

"Yes and Look what is going to happen now." I said mischievously.

"Angel give me reply. Is he good person?" Bhai asked.

"Yes Bhai he is good. His name is Sanskar Jha. Di talked with him no I mean warned him." Jiya replied.

"Oh Sanskar, I know him, he is a good person but I don't think it's time for you to date. It's your age to read." Bhai said.

"Di said same bhai and I'm just a friend for him and if I think he is good for me then I'll date him after high school."Jiya said.

"Good now I think there is no need for me to warn for him." Bhai replied.

"Thank you Bhai." Jiya said and he kissed her forehead.

Meanwhile Aunty came and said that within ½ hr lunch will get ready.

"Aunty I will help you." I said.

"No princess I'll be fine." She said.

"No I said I'll help you." I said stubbornly.

"Mom let her do what she want she will not listen to you."Bhai said and I grinned.

We entered kitchen and I started making milkshake for everyone. Suddenly a idea stroked my mind and I smiled mischievously in victory. After ½ hr we placed food on table. I called everyone for lunch.

"Bhai, Aarav come on everyone lunch is placed on table." I said.

"Sure princess."

"Sure Sammy."

"Sure Sam."

Everyone started having lunch.

"Aunty you're very good cook the curry is absolutely is tasty."Aarav said and I slightly blushed.

"Thanks Aarav but I didn't cook that." Aunty said and everyone gave puzzled look towards her.

"Then who cooked Mom?" Bhai asked this time.

"Samira made that curry along with milkshake." Aunty said and everyone was surprised except Jiya as she knows.

"Really Sam you cooked it?" Riya and Arjun asked in unison.

"Yes guys I cooked it don't you like now?" I asked in sad tone.

"No no Sunshine we love it." Aarav said and everyone was giving amusing smiles for the nickname and I turned deep read. But bhai was looking serious.

"I call her that from our childhood."Aarav replied nervously sensing bhai's gaze and he nodded.

We completed our lunch and sat in poolside area and while I went to bring milkshake or everyone. Aunty and Uncle went to their room for rest. I came with everyone's milkshake. I served everyone theirs while I was serving Bhai I was trying stifle my laugh.

"Bhai here is yours, you like strawberry so I made it for you specially." I said keeping innocent look.

"Thanks princess." He replied excited.

He drank in one go then his eyes started to water because I put more sweet and He doesn't like He can extra spicy but sweet he is so opposite to us in this thing.

"Princess."Bhai said warningly coming towards me.

"Sorry Bhai it was small prank as punishment for not contacting in this two months."I said started running.

We ran in whole house and came to halt nearing swimming hall, bhai started smirking. He came forward to push me but in last minute I ducked and he fell down in swimming pool instead of me at the same time Mom, Dad, Aunty and Uncle arrived on the spot and we all busted out laughing.

He pulled me inside and I fell in swimming pool too later I and Bhai pushed everyone and then we all were drenched so we started to play volley ball in water. In my team Aarav, Amar, Alisha and I, Others were in bhai team. Both teams scored equally, now this one point decides who will win and then we scored and we won. I squealed but suddenly my leg got twisted and was about to fall when two arms secured me safely.

"Careful their Sunshine." Aarav said making me stand without breaking eye contact.

"Thanks Aarav." I replied.

"No mention." He said smilingly.

Our reverie got broke by bhai's warning now who was going out of swimming pool.

"Princess I will take revenge with interest for this prank." Bhai warned me while I showed my tongue still being in Aarav's embrace. He huffed went inside for changing clothes.

"Come on now children go and change your clothes too. We should have dinner and reach home, tomorrow you do have school."Mom said.

"Yes/aunty." We replied.

Later, we had dinner and started towards home.

"Thanks Sam." Everyone said and I raised my eyebrow in questioning.

"We had wonderful day because of you." They said and I felt happy.

"No mention." I replied.

We dropped everyone in their house. When we reached home, Jiya wished me goodnight. It was one of the wonderful day in my life was the last thought before I drifted to sleep while smile was adoring my lips.


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