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Aarav's p.o.v:

Today by accident I and Sam was going to kiss each other but it was stopped in middle dye to Jai and I feel disappointed but why do I feel it I don't understand. My trance got broke by Arjun.

"Aarav what are you thinking your pizza is getting cold start eating." He said gesturing towards my food and I nodded but I was looking towards Maira who was avoiding looking in my eye completely.

"Sammy you think we all can go to beach on weekend?" Alisha asked.

"Sure Ishu we can go everyone not busy so no problem." Maira replied.

"Ummm Sammy only you and me I want to talk something to you." Alisha said.

"Sure I will pick you up from your home." She replied and all this time I was starting at her.

Her long black traces of hair, her honey orbs with half lidded eyelids with rose plump lips, her way of curling single strand of hair around her finger while talking to other with a serene smile on her face, all this things makes me crazy.

I think I'm starting to develop feelings for her but I can't tell her because she is my best friend from childhood but without her I'm nothing. I will tell her that we can date and if our relationship is success then we can come out in open. I came out of my musings when Jai asked me something.

"So Aarav are you continuing your studies after this year or taking a break?" He asked.

"I don't know bhai I'm confused but once I got clarity I will tell you and everyone." I said and he nodded.

"Well guys let's get moving it is around 6:00 we need go home." Maira said.

I and Sara reached home by 8:00 after dropping everyone at their homes while Jai went in his own car. After reaching my room I called Maira to ask something.

"Hello Sunshine." I said.

"Yeah Aarav what happened? Is everyone alright? Are you alright?" She asked frantically.

"Maira calm down. Everyone are alright and I'm also alright. Actually I wanted to ask you something?" I said.

"What is it Aarav?" She asked me.

"Will come on date with me?" I asked her and she was silent for few minutes.
I started panicking.

"Sure Aarav. When do you want to go?" She asked.

"Tomorrow if its okay with you?" I asked her.

"Okay tomorrow I will come and pick you up at morning 5:00." I said already planning a whole day to spend with her.

"At 5:00!!" She exclaimed.

"Yes and wear something simple and plain." I said.

"Okay. Bye Aarav and good night." She said.

"Goodnight and Bye Maira." I replied and hung up.

After hung up. I ate dinner in my room while I completed my home works and went to sleep.

Next day morning:

I woke up at 4:30 and got ready and went to Maira' s home and called her to come down. When she came down i was staring at her intently without blinking my eyes drinking in her beauty. She wore fit and flare black frock.

"Aarav shall we move?" She asked.

"Yeah Maira come its time." I said and took her hand in mine.

After twenty minutes we reached our destination and I tied cloth on her eyes.

"Aarav what are you doing?" She asked.

"Shh calm down its for your surprise, so don't take it." I said and she nodded.

I got down from car, took her hand started walking taking her towards her surprise. I took her to a place where we can see sunrise clearly where it reflects on water and at same time tortoises comes out from there shells to bask in sun. I know she loves this place and wanted to see from childhood.

I can see smile on her face and for that smile I can do anything throughout my life. I took her palm in mine.

"Samira I know we were friends from childhood but I don't know what all these feelings are but they are becoming strong day by day and I can say with confidence that these are feelings are not away so soon. So I would like to date you and if we feel something more than this then we can come in front of everyone with our relationship and that is if you want." I said.

"I'm happy that you wanted to give a chance to this relationship and see where it goes and I'm happy with that and thanks for bringing me here." She said kissing my cheek.

She started playing in water laughing and I slowly started walking towards her slowly with hands in my pocket. When I reached her I sneaked my hand through her waist and pulled her towards me and she gasped at sudden action.

I slowly started towards her lips all the time looking into her eyes for her permission for doing this. I slowly places my lips on her lips and her taste was mixed with spice and vanilla. We battled with our tongues. After 3mins we stopped and she was looking towards her feet in shyness.

"Thank you." I said looking in her eyes.

"Thanks to you too." She said placing her head on my chest.

"Maira if you want you can inform our friends." I said.

"No I want to keep a secret for now but when time will come we will inform them." She said.

"Your wish. Now come we need to leave its getting near time for our school." I said.

"But I don't want to go leaving this place. This place is beautiful." She sinned.

"Maria whenever you want i will bring you here now come on we are getting late." I said and started dragging her towards car.

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