Chapter - 18

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"Wait for a kind of love that will surely last. Love that is pure and real. But take note that it is not easy to find. Only those preserve will receive it."


Next day I was getting ready when Dad came to my room along with Mom and I was surprised because dad never comes to our room if not for talking something important.

"Mom, Dad you both here. Do you want to something?" I asked them.

"Yes princess and if you're free then we can talk." Dad said.

"Dad I still have ½ hour time for school so we can talk." I said.

"Princess you're going to complete your High school. Did you think about any university because now Aarav is also not accompanying you as he is going to take break? Dad asked.

"Dad to be frank still I didn't think about that but once I complete my exams I will think about it. Anyhow I still have Six months to complete." I said my opinion.

"It's good princess. Actually we are worried because from childhood you never went alone to any place. Aarav used to be there with you. Now two more added to list who worries about you more than us but still." Mom voiced out their worry.

"Don't worry mom, I will be fine." I said giving a hug to her.

"Princess I came to know that Sanskar Mr. Jha's son proposed Honey (Jiya). Is it true?" Dad asked seriously.

"Yes dad it's true but don't worry about that I handled it and if he causes any problem to baby girl I will see his end." I said.

"We know till the day you present with her she won't face any problem." Dad said smilingly.

Meanwhile Baby girl barged inside my room furiously complaining that we forgot her in family time.

"Dad this not fair. You forgot me your Honey how can you that?" She said fake hurt tone.

"Aww we are sorry baby please forgives us."Mom said and we both became serious and mom dad looked at us confusingly.

"What happened babies?"Mom asked us.

"Mom Dad never asks forgiveness from us not as a joke also. Did you get it?" I said and their eyes turned moist.

"Yes MOM and Dad di is saying true." Baby girl said.

"Look Kavya our daughters have grown up." Dad said taking us into hug.

"Yes Karan you're but we never known." Mom said while tears flowed from her eyes freely.

"Mom doesn't be emotional now." Jiya complained.

We busted out laughing meanwhile our talks were interrupted by Alisha who came into my room.

"Sammy we are getting late. Oh sorry uncle I didn't know you were there." She said.

"It's okay Alisha anyhow we are leaving." Mom replied and Dad nodded.

"Bye Princess, Honey."Mom said kissing our foreheads.

"Bye my children." Dad said giving us a hug each. Then they left.

"Bye Mom, Dad." We replied in union.

"Come on Sammy and Jiya everyone are waiting in car down. We are getting late." Alisha said.

"Yeah sure let's go." I said taking my backpack along with Jiya's too because I explained her some problems.

We went downstairs and settled in car Aarav and everyone greeted us.

"Good morning everyone." I said.

"Good morning Sam/Sammy." They said except Aarav. I looked at him frowning.

"Good morning Aarav." I said once again.

"Good morning Sunshine." He said pecking my right cheek and my eyes were ready to pop out of sockets, already my cheeks turned slight red. I turned around to see did any saw us but everyone were busy so I relived my breath.

"What was that Aarav?"I asked him in fake anger but inwardly I was doing happy dance.

"Wishing you good morning." He replied in casual tone. I shook my head and turned my gaze towards road. Meanwhile my phone rang.

"Good morning Bhai." I said.

"Good morning Baby doll." Bhai said.

"What happened Bhai you called me this early?" I asked him.

"Nothing Baby doll today evening I'm going to amusement park will you and angel will accompany me?" Bhai asked.

"I will tell you by afternoon bhai because we already reached school." I said.

"Okay bye then." He said.

"Bye." I said and hung up.

While I was getting down Aarav came to side opened door and forwarded his hand to me. Before I can forward my hand Anuhya came running and back hugged him and I stood rooted in my place.

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