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We enjoyed a lot. These days after Anuhya left I was happy that they are spending time with me I might sound jealous and selfish but it is about him so I'm. There are two days left for us to return back. At present we are sitting in lobby and having gossips.

"Aarav what are your plans after this semester because you will complete your high school?" Uncle asked him.

"Dad I decided to take a break for a year and after that I will complete Business Management and will handle business." Aarav replied.

"What will you do for whole year?" Sara asked him.

"I will enjoy do you any problem?" He asked her narrowing his eyes, I laughed at this while she shook her head.

"On serious note Aarav what are you planning?" Aunty asked him. He sighed and was about to reply but interrupted by Arjun.

"Not only him but myself and Riya are also going to do same." He said and Riya nodded.

"But why can't you continue your studies and you have your whole life to enjoy?" Arjun's mom asked this time.

"Dad please." Aarav whined.

"Okay as you wish. But don't regret for this decision afterwards." Uncle replied and those three nodded their heads.

Meanwhile Mom called me, Amar and Alisha to come there. So we went and sat there as we were sitting far from them.

"So Amar, Alisha what are your plans?" Mom asked and everyone turned their heads towards them.

"Aunty I want to complete my CS after high school so I can give a comfortable life for my younger brother and Mom." Alisha said.

"Its great child you're thinking about your family to give comfortable life." Mom said by placing her hand on Alisha's head and she nodded with small smile on her lips.

"What about you Amar?" Dad asked him.

"I want to start my own law firm uncle so I want pursue my law from London university. So that I can give all luxurious to my family and future wife." He said last part in whisper but myself and Alisha were able to listen while her cheeks turned pink.

"Good carrier choice my child and if you want any help. I'm always available here for you and Alisha." Dad said with small smile.

"Thank you uncle." They both said in union while I was happy as dad was ready to do anything for them becoz they are my friends.

"Sissy common you didn't talk about your plans?" Jiya asked me.

"I don't have any big plans." I said because at present I don't want to discuss.

"Common Sam you have to tell." Aarav said.

"Okay I want to complete Business Management so that I can take over business so that Mom and Dad can enjoy." I said.

"But don't you want to take break princess like Aarav?" Dad asked me.

"No dad I'm fine I want to complete my studies as soon as possible. Any how I have to handle business alone for a year later I will have baby girl(Jiya) with me." I replied smilingly.

"You know we are proud of you princess." Mom said and I smiled.

Later elders retired to their rooms as they were tired. We youngsters were in lobby having fun. I got call so I went aside to attend it. When I turned to my left after call I saw Aarav standing there.

He was looking at me different emotions in his eyes before I could read they were vanished.

"So Sam we are returning tomorrow?" He asked.

"Why don't you want to go back?" I asked him.

"No I want to but after that you will again will remain busy in studies and will not spend time with us." He said.

"So What? Aarav when you ever you want we can enjoy together like this." I said.

"I don't want you to share your time with them only I want with me that to alone."  He said and left from there, I was transfixed to my place.

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