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Samira's p.o.v:

I was waiting at cafe for Alisha as she wanted to talk something with me. I don't know how in the span of just 8-9 months I became best friend with her and Amar. That is maybe because they understood me better than Riya and Arjun or Aarav in some things. Today we three inseparable I'm not saying that these replaced Arjun and Riya because they can't as these two have their own places in my heart. Now Alisha wants to talk and I have both bad and good feeling about that. Last time because family emergency in her house we had to postpone it. I was interrupted in my musings by Alisha.

"Hi Sammy." She said taking her seat.

"Hi Ishu." I said.

"So anything new?" She asked.

"Nah" I said.

"Okay then did you complete homework." She said trying avoid the topic that is bothering.

"Yes I completed and Alisha just split it." I told her firmly and she sighed.

"You know that my Mom's health is not in good condition right? (I nodded) So Mom is telling me   to stop my studies after this year so that I can get a job and I don't know what I should do?" She said and sighed.

"No Ishu once you complete this high school you can get scholarship easily for your Cs  due to your marks don't do that and tell aunt to give you sometime to think meanwhile even i will think a solution okay?" I asked her.

"Thanks Sammy I don't what will I do without you." She said and I gave her slight smile.

"Ishu what did your Mom study and what about her present job?" I asked her as already a plan was forming in my head.

"Well Mom did Masters in Medicine as a Chemist. She use to be nurse for a orphanage but now they are closing that orphanage so she is at present doing nothing." She said.

"Hmm Ishu I know an orphanage it is built recently and they were searching for a permanent Nurse. if your Mom don't have problem tell her to meet them on Tuesday meanwhile i will ask whether it is filled or not." I said.

"Thanks for help Sammy." She said.

"There is no need for thanks. yeah they even cover the person's and their family's medical expense too so you don't have to worry about aunt's health." I said and she looked relived as half of burden is released.

" Well shall we leave then?" She asked me.

"No, we have to wait for Amar here he told he will join us here he wants inform us something." I said.

"Okay but what does he have to tell us?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

We started talking about different things like about our childhood, about fashion and everything and anything. Meanwhile Amar entered cafe wearing blue jeans with white t-shirt wearing goggles all the while Alisha was staring at him without blinking and that action was repeated by Amar too. I coughed startling them from their trance and they turned nice shade of pink.

"Hello Sammy." He greeted.

"Hello to you too." I said teasingly.

"Okay Amar you wanted to tell us something, what is that?" she asked him.

"Well I got listed two Universities for our further Studies, one is at London University and other is New York University." he informed us.

"Well now we need to inform our families and friends, we also need to see the college timings and apply for visa. Also we need to take regarding in which university we are studying." Ishu said.

"Yeah we will see that we do everything and apply but before our families should say yes." I said already dreading the conversation with Mom, Dad, Babygirl  and Bhai.

"Yes now we need to leave." Amar said.

"You people go, I need to wait for Aarav. he said he will take me to shopping as he need to buy somethings." I replied.

"Oh then we will leave but after reaching your home inform us." Amar said.

"Sure Sure." I replied.


At present we in the sense Aarav and myself are in car driving towards mall for his dresses while talking about Sara's antics with Sanskar's brother and I was laughing. After reaching shopping mall we entered in shop where they sell Gents dresses and started looking.

"Aarav look at this shirt it looks good on you and you can pair it with cream pant." I said showing sky blue shirt.

"Its looking good Sam I will try it meanwhile if you find anymore shirts bring them to trial room and knock on my door I will take from you." He said and went from there to try his shirt.

I started looking for more shirts and pants and I found three pairs. I went towards him and knocked softly on door.

"Aarav I found another three pairs try them too." I said.

"Sure Sam give them." He said opening door so that my hand can fit in passage. When I forwarded my hand he pulled me inside too fast that there was no time left for me react.

"Aarav what are you doing?" I asked struggling in his arms to get free from his grip all the while ignoring the blush that is rising on my cheeks.

"Well Sam this is called trial room romance. What do you think about this?" He asked all the while tightening grip around me.

"Aarav someone will come leave me and let me go." I said trying to get free from him.

" Aha if you want to get free then you have to give me something?" He said and I was looking at him.

"And that will be?" I asked him because I want to get free before someone comes this way.

"Well nothing only a kiss." He said tapping my lips with his index finger.

"What no no I'm kissing you here." I said all the while blush was spreading at back back of my neck.

"Then you will stay here with me all time till you give me one." He said with mischievousness in his eyes.

"Okay you want a kiss then close your eyes." I said he looked at me suspiciously but still closed his eyes and I smiled.

I stood on my toes to reach his height, I took my lips near his lips and at last second I kissed him on cheek with sound and he was shocked and in that time I pushed him back and came out of trial room. After few minutes he came out from there with grumpy mood later we paid dresses went restaurant to have dinner all the while I was snickering silently seeing his face.

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