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Sorry for the late guys. I was not getting time due my college so I have been late but now onwards every week I will update once or twice.

Here is the next chapter I hope you'll like it. You will vote and comment it.


Samira's p.o.v:

As the day arrived, everyone was so excited. I dropped few hints by saying which kind of clothes they should get for our trip and the trip with parents later. They got to know that it may be a sunny and you can get swim suits. They guessed the sea but not anything else.

As I and Jiya drove to park to pick up everyone. Baby doll(Jiya) was literally blowing my ears off with her shouting.

Everyone got into car and I drove to the airport where our private jet was waiting for us. Everyone carried their own luggage except for Anuhya, Aarav carried both his and hers. I tried to ignore act.

Our flight attendant took my luggage to Carry it. After we loaded everything we got in.

We buckled our seats and heard the normal instructions given by the air hostess.

"Happy journey. Your flight will reach Italy, Genoa airport in 7hrs 30mins."

Lucky that we have private jet. It would take 9hrs for a commercial flight. Every one were looking at me astounded.

"Its not where you think. There are nearly 10 beaches in Italy and we can go anywhere from there. Figure it out by the time we reach." I said. Every one pulled out the phones.

"No electronic gadgets, it's the 1st rule on this trip. Thank you. Have a good flight." I said and chuckled to myself.

They groaned and put away their phones. I didn't allow anything else except for there phones to be carried. If they brought, I will cease them and return them after we are back home.

We played all kinds of silly, childish games to pass the time. Then every one slept for few hours after lunch as they were tired.

As we got down the flight everyone stretched themselves.

Mr. John was waiting for us with my name on the board he had in hand.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi mam. So, you want me to drop you at the beach?" He asked. I nodded.

"Which beach?" Aarav piped up. I shook my head.

"You will get to know when we reach." I replied. I turned towards others.

"Long journey or short?" I asked.

"Explain long or short." Alisha and Riya asked.

"Long, scenery, air one hour to one and half hour. Short, car, fast, maximum 30 mins, if traffic is conditional 45 mins." I replied.

"Short." Everyone said.

We reached the Laguria beach. And everyone is excited.

We went to the hotel.

"Booking for Samira Ahuliwalia. Three days. Three rooms." I said. The women at the reception nodded and handed me the keys.

"Three days?" Amar and Arjun asked.

"You'll see." I answered.

They spent complete three days on beach and in the hotel room ordering room service.

I went to the beach once. But seeing Anuhya and Aarav, all my interest dissipated. I stayed in the room. Sometime but went out to beach again later.

As we checked out everyone was looking at me questioningly.

"Do you want to spend a whole month on the same beach with nothing else to do?" I asked. They shook their heads.

"Then come on." I took them to the place where our cruise was tied to a rock.

"Hop on." I said. Everyone looked surprised.

"Are we going on this?" Aarav asked.

"For two weeks di?" Jiya asked.

"Yes. Enough with your questions. Hop on." I said.

They obliged. Our cruise driver or whatever you call him has come out of a cabin and walked up to me.

"Hi. I'm peter I'll be your guide for these two weeks and also drive your cruise." He said.

"Hi. I'm Samira Ahuliwalia." I introduced myself.

"The cabins are towards that side." He said and pointed to his left.

"Thanks." There are four cabins, one small their big. One was Peter's. Other there we shared.

Two weeks. Two weeks were up. Time went by so fast. We played all kinds of games.

Snap. UNO, solitaire and what not. We sat with Peter and learnt about this ship. It was called Princess Sofia or Something.

I learnt a few things to drive this thing. We did fishing. We caught the fishes and put them in a bucket. Later we let them go again.

While I was caught trying to catch them a big one was caught on my rod and pulled me but luckily just before I fell Aarav let go of his fishing caught me.

And just like that two weeks were up. We turned around yesterday to back to the beach. We had a chat with our family once in a while,otherwise we were busy enjoying and I, I was especially busy being jealous.

We would reach land in the span of four hours maximum. Jiya, Sara, Amar, Alisha and I sat in my room playing cards and Aarav, Anuhya, Arjun and Riya were in their room doing something. They said they want to take rest. So I let them.

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